Commonly Confused Words In English start on letter A
and How to Use Them
a-hold, ahold
ability, capability
absorb, adsorb
accept, except
access, excess
accent, ascent, assent
accidentally, accidently
accidently, accidentally
acclimation, acclamation
acknowledgment, acknowledgement
acknowledgement, acknowledgment
acumen, acuity, acuteness
acute, chronic
ad, add
adapter, adaptor
adaptor, adapter
addenda, addendum
addicting, addictive
addictive, addicting
adsorb, absorb
adverse, averse
advice, advise
adviser, advisor
advisor, adviser
aerobic, anaerobic
aeroplane, airplane
affect, effect
affect change, effect change
affective, effective
afflict, inflict
afterward, afterwards
afterwards, afterward
ageing, aging
aging, ageing
ahold, a hold
aid, aide
aide, aid
airplane, aeroplane
aisle, isle
aka, a.k.a.
all of a sudden, all of the sudden
all ready, already
all right, alright
all together, altogether
allowed, aloud
allude, elude
allusion, illusion
all ways, always
alone, lonely
altar, alter
alter, altar
aluminium, aluminum
aluminum, aluminium
always, all ways
aloud, allowed
alot, a lot, allot
already, all ready
alright, all right
alumnus, alumni
altogether, all together
ambiance, ambience
ambience, ambiance
amend, emend
among, amongst
amoral, immoral
amount, number
anaerobic, aerobic
analog, digital
analyse, analyze
analysis, analyses
analyses, analysis
analyze, analyse
anime, manga
angel, angle
angle, angel
antagonist, protagonist
anxious, eager
any more, anymore
any one, anyone
any place, anyplace
any way, anyway
anymore, any more
anyone, any one
anyplace, any place
anytime, any time
anyway, anyways
anyways, anyway
apart, a part
apologise, apologize
apologize, apologise
are, our
armor, armour
armour, armor
artefact, artifact
artifact, artefact
assent, consent
assume, presume
assure, ensure, insure
astrology, astronomy
astronomy, astrology
attain, obtain
attorney, lawyer
aural, oral
autumn, fall
avenge, revenge
averse, adverse
avocation, vocation
awaiting, waiting
award, reward
awhile, a while
ax, axe
axe, ax
adapt, adept
around, round
american, british english
alternatively, alternately
ascent, assent
adduce, deduce, deduct
adjacent, adjoining
adopted, adoptive
adventure, venture
aesthetic, acetic, ascetic
affluent, effluent
affront, effrontery
ail, ale
alighted, lighted
allergen, allergenic
although, though
ambiguous, ambivalent
ant, aunt
ante, anti
appreciable, appreciative
arc, ark
arise, rise
arouse, rouse
arrant, errand, errant
artist, artiste
arty, artful
assignation, assignment, assassination
assistants, assistance
atheist, agnostic
attenuate, extenuate
auger, augur
await, wait
awaken, awake, wake, waken
axiom, maxim
a, an, and
aggravate, irritate
allusive, elusive
amuse, bemuse
anecdote, antidote
appraise, apprise
advise, advice
alternative, alternate
amongst, among
anything, any thing
apprise, appraise
awe, oar, or, ore
alternate, alternative
adsorption, absorption
accuracy, precision
acid, base
add, adhd
adhesion, cohesion
alligator, crocodile
amphibians, reptiles
ac, dc
anion, cation
anthropology, sociology
apoptosis, necrosis
archaea, bacteria
aristotle, plato
artery, vein
asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction
asteroid, meteor
autotrophs, heterotrophs
amortization, depreciation
acute bronchitis, pneumonia
aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration
antifederalist, federalist
aspire, inspire
accounts receivable, accounts payable
advertising, marketing
a lot, allot
alligators, crocodiles
armadillo, pangolin
african, asian elephant