Commonly Confused Words In English start on letter S
and How to Use Them
sang, sung
sank, sunk
savior, saviour
saw, seen
scared, scarred
scarfs, scarves
scarves, scarfs
scissor, scissors
seam, seem
secretion, excretion
seen, saw
seem, seam
segue, segway
segway, segue
semiannual, biannual
semi-monthly, bi-weekly
semi-weekly, bi-weekly
sensuous, sensual
separate, seperate
seperate, separate
serigraph, lithograph
set up, setup
setup, set up
sew, sow
shelf, shelve
sherbet, sherbert
sherbert, sherbet
shined, shone
shoe-in, shoo-in
shone, shined
shoo-in, shoe-in
shudder, shutter
shutter, shudder
sightseeing, site seeing
sign up, sign-up
since, because
site seeing, sightseeing
site, cite, sight
sizable, sizeable
sizeable, sizable
skeleton, luge
skill set, skillset
skills, competencies
skillset, skill set
slander, libel
smartphone, smart phone
smelled, smelt
smelt, smelled
smokey, smoky
smoky, smokey
smooth, smoothe
sneaked, snuck
snuck, sneaked
soar, sore
sociopath, psychopath
sole, soul
soliloquy, monologue
some day, someday
some thing, something
some time, sometime
sometimes, some times
somebody, someone
someday, some day
someone, somebody
something, some thing
sometime, some time
sore, saw, soar
soul, sole
sow, sew
spatter, splatter
specialty, speciality
specter, spectre
spelled, spelt
spelt, spelled
spilled, spilt
spilt, spilled
spoiled, spoilt
splatter, spatter
spread, spreaded
staid, stayed
stalactite, stalagmite
stalagmite, stalactite
stand-alone, stand alone
stank, stunk
starboard, port
state of the art, state-of-the-art
stationary, stationery
stationery, stationary
stayed, staid
steal, steel
stear clear, steer clear
steel, steal
steer clear, stear clear
stent, stint
stint, stent
storey, story
story, storey
straight, strait
strait, straight
strived, strove
stock, broth
strove, strived
stunk, stank
stupid, ignorant
subconscious, unconscious
subjective, objective
suite, suit
suit, tux
sulfur, sulphur
sulphur, sulfur
summary, summery
sung, sang
sunk, sank
supercede, supersede
supine, prone
supper, dinner
supposably, supposedly
suppose, supposed
supposed, suppose
supposedly, supposably
suppression, repression
swept, sweeped
sympathy, empathy
systematic, systemic
systemic, systematic
shall, will
sea, ocean
sweet, suite
subsequently, consequently
stairs, stares
sheath, sheathe
sun, son
substitute, substitution
sensual, sensuous
serve, service
set, sit
shear, sheer
should, would
sic, sick
simple, simplistic
sled, sledge, sleigh
stanch, staunch
statue, statute
sensor, censor, censure
sick, ill
sight, site, cite
spoilt, spoiled
see, watch, look
strategic, tactical
sense, cense
systolic, diastolic
squid, octopus
shallot, onion
sympathetic, parasympathetic
saturated, unsaturated, unsaturated hydrocarbons
speed, velocity
spinosaurus, tyrannosaurus
standard deviation, variance
snail, slug
sparrow, swallow
salamander, newt
salmon, sea trout
serval, ocelot
snow leopard, leopard
squirrel, chipmunk