all together vs altogether
- used of a group whose members acted or were acted upon collectively and when `all' and `together' can be separated by other words
- all at the same time
Thais be more modest ..." tell you what - cut the crap, would you? role model? surely Thaksin has done much more for baan-nork than all the Democrats all together in their history. and let me remind you that even your CORRUPT Thai judges could not find sufficient evidence of him being CORRUPT! read the verdict properly.
It's just that when you put it all together, it amounts to a manipulation.
But dropsy was still poorly understood until Bright, who put it all together with diseased kidneys and albuminuria and distinguished dropsies of renal origin from other etiologies.
- with everything included or counted
- to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly')
- with everything considered (and neglecting details)
- informal terms for nakedness
There is no flavour to the pepperoni and it is altogether too tomatoey.
He'd probably dismissed her altogether by now as fickle, shallow and all too easily swayed by other people.
In the postwar period they gradually merged with the Conservatives until they disappeared altogether.