Commonly Confused Words In English start on letter T
and How to Use Them
take, bring
talk to, talk with
talk with, talk to
tee shirt, t-shirt
tenants, tenets
to, too
than, then
that, which
theater, theatre
theatre, theater
their, there, they're
theirselves, themselves
them, they
themselves, themself
then, than
therefor, therefore
therefore, therefor
they, them
threw, through
through, thru
thru, through
tied, tide
tide, tied
til, till
till, til, until
titled, entitled
tire, tyre
tomatoes, tomatos
ton, tonne
tonne, ton
too hard, to hard
too long, to long
too much, to much
too much to bear, too much to bare
totaled, totalled
totalled, totaled
touch base, touch bases
tough, tuff
toward, towards
trainer, trainor
translucent, opaque, transparent
transparent, translucent
traveling, travelling
travelling, traveling
trawling, trolling
trolling, trawling
truely, truly
truly, truely
trust, mistrust
t-shirt, tee shirt
tuff, tough
tyre, tire
tortuous, torturous
traditional publishing, self-publishing
tail, tale
toe, tow
tack, tact
taught, taut
team, teem
temerity, timidity
torpid, torrid
track, tract
troop, troupe
trustee, trusty
turbid, turbulent, turgid
tall, high
tenet, tenant
thee, the
they're, their, there
these, those
transcription, translation
tornado, hurricane
typhoon, hurricane
tiger, lion
turtle, tortoise
type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes
tax credit, tax deduction
there, their, they’re
too, to, two