Simply write or paste your German text to run a sentence check and see how it can be improved.
If there are any typos and misspelled words in German, we will find and fix them for you!
Create standout content with Linguix’s rewriting tool, which helps customize and humanize your messages.
Use our Web Editor to work on long-form content, check your German sentences for grammar, rephrase, and auto-complete passages with AI.
For writers, our writer check feature is an invaluable tool. It can help you refine your writing style, suggest alternative phrasing, and offer insights into your writing habits. By using Linguix regularly, you can become a more confident and effective writer.
Our German sentence check feature analyzes the structure of your sentences, ensuring that they are clear, concise, and easy to understand. It can identify run-on sentences, sentence fragments, and other issues that may confuse your readers. Linguix punctuation checker ensures that your commas, periods, and other punctuation marks are used correctly. It can also help you improve your use of colons, semicolons, and other advanced punctuation.
Linguix's spelling and grammar check feature is available online and our browser extensions work on Google Docs, Gmail, ChatGPT, and millions of other websites. Our spell check online tool is perfect for catching typos and other errors that can slip past you during the writing process. The spell tester can provide suggestions for correcting your mistakes, making it easier to polish your work.
For those who need to check larger volumes of text, our sentence grammar check tool can help you analyze your work quickly and efficiently. This tool is perfect for students, teachers, and professionals who need to review longer documents.