Commonly Confused Words In English start on letter C
and How to Use Them
cacao, cocoa
cactuses, cacti
caddie, caddy
calvary, cavalry
calfs, calves
calves, calfs
camaraderie, comradery
can, may
can not, cannot
canceled, cancelled
canon, cannon
cannon, canon
cannot, can not
capability, ability
capital, capitol
cappuccino, latte
caramel, carmel
cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers
caregiver, caretaker
caretaker, caregiver
carmel, caramel
case and point, case in point
cast, casted
catalog, catalogue
catalogue, catalog
catsup, ketchup
catty-corner, kitty-corner
cavalry, calvary
center, centre
centre, center
centrifugal, centripetal
centripetal, centrifugal
certificate, diploma, degree
charley horse, charlie horse
charlie horse, charley horse
check in, check-in
check, cheque
check up, checkup
checkout, check out
checkup, check up
cheque, check
childcare, child care
choir, chorus
choose, chose
chord, cord
chorus, choir
chose, choose
chronic, acute
client, customer
collectable, collectible
curricula, curriculum
cite, site
cleanup, clean up
climactic, climatic
climatic, climactic
clip, magazine
cloth, clothes
clothes, cloth
co-operate, cooperate
co-worker, coworker
coarse, course
coca, cocoa
cocoa, cacao, coca
cold, flu
coldslaw, coleslaw
coleslaw, coldslaw
college, university
coma, comma
comma, coma
compare to, compare with
compare with, compare to
competencies, skills
complement, compliment
compliment, complement
comprise, compose
concave, convex
consent, assent
conscience, conscious
consignee, consignor
consignor, consignee
contagious, infectious
contiguous, continuous
continual, continuous
continuous, continual
continually, continuously
continuously, continually
convex, concave
convince, persuade
coliseum, colosseum
collaborate, cooperate
color, colour
colour, color
competence, competency
comradery, camaraderie
copyrighted, copywritten
copywritten, copyrighted
cord, chord
corn meal, corn flour
correspondance, correspondence
correspondence, correspondance
corroborate, collaborate
cosy, cozy
could have, could of
could of, could have
could, would
council, counsel
councilor, counselor
counsel, council
counselling, counseling
counselor, councilor
course, coarse
coworker, co-worker
cozy, cosy
crawfish, crayfish
crayfish, crawfish
creek, crick
criteria, criterion
criterion, criteria
criticise, criticize
cue, queue
currant, current
current, currant
customer, client
causal, casual
cell, sell
creak, creek
click, clique
content, contents
callow, shallow
carat, caret, karat, carrot
caste, cast
cede, seed
ceiling, sealing
censor, censure
cent, scent
cereal, serial
ceremonial, ceremonious
cession, session
chilly, chile, chili
circumvent, circumnavigate
classical, classic
cleanness, cleanliness
clench, clinch
clime, climb
close, clothes
compact, contract
comparable, comparative
complementary, complimentary
completion, completeness
comportment, deportment
compose, comprise
comprehensive, comprehensible
confidant, confident
congenital, congenial
consequently, subsequently
console, condole
consul, council
contemporaneous, contemporary
contemptible, contemptuous
continuance, continuation
converge, diverge
corpse, corps
credibility, credence
credible, creditable
curtsy, courtesy
capitol, capital
canvass, canvas
center around, center on
chile, chilly, chili
choice, choose
comprise (comprise of, compose
confidante, confident, confidant
corral, coral
curb, kerb
censure, censor
cite, site, , sight
comforter, duvet
cohesion, adhesion
climate, weather
c.v., resume
cats, dogs
celsius, fahrenheit
ceramic, porcelain
cheetah, leopard
covalent bond, ionic bond
ctscan, mri
cyclone, hurricane, tornado
cancer, tumor
criminal law, civil law
condo, townhouse
cross pollination, self-pollination
centrifugal force, centripetal force
capital expenditure, operational expenditure
coyote, wolf
chimpanzee, bonobo
corals, sponges
crab, lobster