"of audience" or "to audience"?
Drums pound the chests of audience members. |
Discover what sort of audience you may have. |
Also consider the type of audience you're hoping to attract. |
No one could not get such a famous scale as Elizabeth have a circle of audience widely. |
Media Television dominates the media scene in terms of audiences and advertising revenue. |
He was a master of suspense, scaring the living daylights out of audiences around the world. |
Coverage of audience is not enough organizes strategic market plan, realizing the marketing as part of the production. |
It's a good argument for continually being alert to and receptive of audience and partner feedback on promos and launches. |
The enthusiastic set of audiences that spanned across generations, queued up outside the venue many hours before the concert. |
Kim is best known to audiences for his portrayal of Jin on Lost. |
Count them next time you see a show in comparison to audience numbers. |
Traffic that doesn't convert to audience has no real value to a publisher. |
They play tested the original to audiences, and basically got laughed out of the theater. |
His work has been exhibited in science museums, and he speaks to audiences in many countries. |
TEDxYouthDay events present a combination of live speakers and TED Talks to audiences around the world. |
All of this has an overwhelming effect on the ways living musicians are able to present their music to audiences. |
But I think we always have to be true to our brand and true to audience, and the strength of our audience has always been boys. |
Ahmet had signed the group to the Atlantic label in 1968, at a time when they were playing to audiences of 300 people in clubs. |
The question of the prominence, place and power of contemporary art to communicate to audiences therefore requires critical assessment. |
Guinness and Cushing were critical for audience buy-in. |
On stage, one has to display the most handsome and most perfect self in order for audience to be satisfied. |
If you blog for content, for relationships, for audience, for your own learning and fun, maybe even for new opportunities, then chances are. |
The movie was always intended as a primer, according to Lee, a jumping-off point for audiences to discover more about Malcolm for themselves. |
To what degree do performers actually share that perspective, or are they playing it for audience demand? JP: I think it is primarily audience driven. |
Since the story, taken from a 75-year-old children's book can't be spoiled, the way Jackson tells the story will be what the surprise factor is for audiences. |
His energetic live performances are popular with audiences of all ages. |
The first night was a glittering occasion, with audiences in evening wear. |
Cinema has flirted in the past with audience interaction in a very clumsy manner. |
It's easy enough to give them all motives, but if you're going to play fair with audiences they must all have the opportunity and the character to do it too. |
ELLE UK, the world's biggest fashion magazine, has launched a dedicated new mobile site as part of its strategy to connect and engage with audiences across multiple platforms. |
Originally aired on FOX without a pilot episode Joss Whedon's part Western, part Sci-Fi and all badass Firefly was met with audience confusion due to a hastily rewritten first episode. |
Critics will suggest that Lucas should have called time on the series after 1983's Return of the Jedi, but that was never going to happen given the films ' incredible popularity with audiences. |
But when pressed for comment by audiences of a different kind, the T. |
A display of exceptional talent from LCS students was experienced by audience members in a relaxed atmosphere. |
First, second and third prizes, worth $5,000, $3,000 and $1,500, respectively, will be awarded, in addition to a People's Choice Award, selected by audience vote, worth $1,500. |
The secret plan story with elaborations drew applause from audiences. |
The other match rose attention from audiences for the second day was Zenith vs. |
Performances have attracted support and applause from audiences, staff and even RSC performers. |
Dr No stared Sean Connery and received a good response from audiences although mixed critical reviews. |
How has the feedback you've received from audiences contrasted with the critical response? Well, the audience almost never says anything negative. |
The Australia Network scores pretty well in audience surveys, considering its paltry budgets. |
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Experience relies heavily on audience participation. |
The ' Show was setup like a trade show, but with a focus on audience participation and latex. |
Some shows do rely on audience participation, the award winning and brilliant Adam Riches being a prime example. |
Most of the time organizers put blames on audience as reason for starting show late but this time it was other way around. |
Radio stations are increasingly reliant on audiences to be their eyes and ears, as they seek new tips to mobilise journalists who report from the field. |
The audience is in awe! I'd itching here to talk about audiences. |
Based on some of the headlines, it was easy to arrive at misleading conclusions about audience response. |
At the same time, the media agencies ' role as keeper of the key data about audiences was being usurped by the media owners. |
That concern to build connections between audience and performer is also something that has been important throughout my work. |
The film's six-hour duration heightens the contrast between cinematic diegesis and the off screen world, between audience movement and the forced stasis of the characters on screen. |