Other users have misspelling billionaire as:
- biilliionaiire 4.69%
- billionair 4.69%
- bilanar 3.13%
- Other 87.49%
Definitions of billionaire
- a very rich person whose material wealth is valued at more than a billion dollars
Examples of billionaire
- The latest round of trouble came as BP's billionaire partners in TNK-BP, who operate under the name Alfa Access Renova, sought to block a $16 billion share swap and Arctic exploration deal agreed with Rosneft in January.
- Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.
- Then, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, whose annual letter to shareholders is one of the most widely read in investing circles worldwide, told the 35,000 shareholders attending Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting that they needed to read Dimon's letter.