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In Top 1000 words

Other users have misspelling echoes as:

pie chart
  1. ecos 8.5%
  2. echos 5%
  3. eachoth 4.5%
  4. Other 82%

Definitions of echoes


  1. (Greek mythology) a nymph who was spurned by Narcissus and pined away until only her voice remained

Examples of echoes

  1. Gone was the prim nodus; instead her long hair was parted in the center and allowed to fall loose under a veil, in a deliberate echo of the statuary poses of classical goddesses.
  2. You may be trying to invoke the ‘echos from the supernal world’ but they're everywhere and where-ever people say they're doing magic there's a bit of truth there.
  3. A hesitant and very masculine voice echoed through the earpiece.

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