warm vs cool




  1. in a warm manner


  1. make warm or warmer
  2. get warm or warmer


  1. uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble
  2. characterized by strong enthusiasm
  3. easily aroused or excited
  4. psychologically warm; friendly and responsive
  5. freshly made or left
and more 4 ...


And those involved are pretty small: a few degrees between cooler land and warmer ocean at night, a few tens of degrees between tropics and poles.

These include a nice Nigerian guy who sells the best roast chicken around (he did this in Paris as well), a couple of Egyptians and a Tunisian who make great chicken shawarma and a couple of Turkish guys who do the same with beef.

He doesn't mean any of us impoliteness, but he needs a bit longer to warm to us.

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  1. lose intensity
  2. loose heat
  3. make cool or cooler


  1. inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets when referring to color
  2. psychologically cool and unenthusiastic; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike
  3. being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition
  4. used of a quantity or amount (especially of money) for emphasis
  5. marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional
and more 2 ...


  1. great coolness and composure under strain
  2. the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature


The extended period of damage was probably brought on by the cool/wet growing conditions.

There’s a town on the central coast of British Columbia called Bella Coola, B.C. that could probably use a little attention right now.

I turned up at the school yard with my hippie backpack slung over one shoulder feeling pretty cool.

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