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question vs answer




  1. an instance of questioning
  2. uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something
  3. the subject matter at issue
  4. an informal reference to a marriage proposal
  5. a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply
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  1. conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting
  2. place in doubt or express doubtful speculation
  3. challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of
  4. pose a series of questions to
  5. pose a question


OK, the steering is a little foggy, but the wheel unquestionably feels pleasant under the fingers.

The question, which has been eating at Matthews for several years, is gnawing on him a couple of hours later as he decompresses at a party at Spago in Beverly Hills.

Consumers get incredibly upset when dieticians and researchers backtrack on previous findings, proclaiming that products once deemed healthy are now in question.

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  1. understand the meaning of
  2. be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of
  3. respond to a signal
  4. react verbally
  5. react to a stimulus or command
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  1. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
  2. the principal pleading by the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint; in criminal law it consists of the defendant's plea of `guilty' or `not guilty' (or nolo contendere); in civil law it must contain denials of all allegations in the plaintiff's complaint that the defendant hopes to controvert and it can contain affirmative defenses or counterclaims
  3. the speech act of replying to a question
  4. a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation
  5. a nonverbal reaction


Their prayers were answered and the child was found safe and well.

The only real answer I have to that, you know - it is asked a lot is that I really wouldn't want to work with someone who would typecast me based on what I'm doing in this job.

They're looking to solve the mystery, and there are a lot of questions that are unanswered right now.

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