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slim vs fat




  1. being of delicate or slender build
  2. small in quantity


  1. take off weight


She was a slim blonde girl in her twenties who might have stepped out of a fashion advertisement in a women's magazine.

We the Muslims unequivocally condemn abuse of the phrase Allahu Akbar and call on the imams and the scholars to recondition appropriate use of the phrase.

Among the 'normal' Muslims interviewed were a woman in niqab (fewer than 1% of Muslim women in America wear the full face veil and accompanying robes), and Muslims in the Muslim 'hood', cities, like Dearborn, MI, and Patterson, NJ.

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  1. having a relatively large diameter
  2. containing or composed of fat
  3. marked by great fruitfulness
  4. lucrative
  5. having an (over)abundance of flesh


  1. a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs
  2. excess bodily weight
  3. a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides)


  1. make fat or plump


The Fat Controller and I were back inside the bolt when it arrived from the bonded warehouse at Felixstowe.

He watched them disappear from his view, his father still waddling along with that bloody basket.

The hat, I think the style was called fedora, had a dark band and a dint in the top, which my father would sometimes correct with a chopping action of his right hand.

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