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intelligent vs silly vs stupid




  1. exercising or showing good judgment
  2. endowed with the capacity to reason
  3. possessing sound knowledge
  4. having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree


It seems the interest in an intelligent house is rapidly growing.

If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 

He was a highly intelligent commercial lawyer and then judge who suddenly found himself having to grind out fact after fact from nuggets of information painstakingly.

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  1. ludicrous, foolish
  2. inspiring scornful pity
  3. lacking seriousness; given to frivolity
  4. dazed from or as if from repeated blows


  1. a word used for misbehaving children


Again, one file change can put a little red nose next to all of your headers, turn the text red and even make them display in a silly typeface.

Du fwhat we cud, we cud not make some av th 'silly fules kape back clear av th' danger-zone -- wimmin an 'all, bedad!

She plays Silly, a Nova Scotian seasprite of girl who is the subject of a marine tragedy of, er, Titanic proportions.

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