Difference between feces and scatological
- solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels
The petechiae may give way to ecchymoses (like a petechial rash, but covering larger areas) and other haemorrhagic phenomena such as melaena (bleeding from the upper bowel, passed as altered blood in the faeces), haematuria (blood in the urine), epistaxis
Microscopic coprophilous (dung-loving) fungi help make our planet habitable by degrading the billions of tons of faeces produced by herbivores.
Being "gassed" means being struck by a cup or bag containing feces and urine.
- dealing pruriently with excrement and excretory functions
If that has been repeated at other clubs, is it any surprise that money in football is what Sir Alan Sugar has scatologically termed "prune juice"?
Along with figurines depicting the Virgin Mary, the Three Wise Men and the Christ child, a Caganer is a fixture in Catalan nativity scenes—but with a scatological twist.
This first one was a gross-out parody of horror movies that made so much money, they couldn't wait to produce this slapdash scatological sequel.