How To Use Feces In A Sentence
The petechiae may give way to ecchymoses (like a petechial rash, but covering larger areas) and other haemorrhagic phenomena such as melaena (bleeding from the upper bowel, passed as altered blood in the faeces), haematuria (blood in the urine), epistaxis
Chapter 2
Microscopic coprophilous (dung-loving) fungi help make our planet habitable by degrading the billions of tons of faeces produced by herbivores.
Being "gassed" means being struck by a cup or bag containing feces and urine.
The Prison-Industrial Complex
In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
As bulking agent, dry feces and mushroom dregs have similar effects, but dry feces gets easily and has higher translation rate of nitrogen.

In early January, the Fredericton woman contracted a potentially fatal condition called cryptococcal meningitis, a fungal disease carried in the feces of pigeons.
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The home, whose lights were not working, was littered with dog feces, the toilets were filled with human excrement and the children were "unbathed" and had no food, according to the warrants.
Anderson Independent Mail Stories
I confirmed that urine was not classified as a biohazard waste and not subject to the risks of legal ramifications of blood, semen or faeces," he said.
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And neither the feces of bobcats nor the urine of foxes, coyotes, and bobcats discouraged voles from attacking seedlings.
The near-transparent skin insufficiently separates the inside of the body from the outside, hinting at the noisome scandal of the feces 'exteriorization of the body's interior processes.
Patriarchal Fantasy and the Fecal Child in Mary Shelley's _Frankenstein_ and its Adaptations
In the normal gut the sacculi and bands act as valves to control the descent of the feces.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
Attraction of the land snail Anguispira alternata to fresh faeces of white-tailed deer: implications in the transmission of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis.
Snails and deer poop
The stinkiest compound in feces skatole has been isolated and weaponized by a retired Navy commander.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
We'll dust ourselves with clay and fossilized feces, fashion a tool driven by a concept, something to blow their little minds.
Interactive behaviors include quiet affiliation or 'tending,' approaching and retreating, olfactory investigation of urine and feces, flehmen response, and the precopulatory teasing sequence of mares in estrus," says McDonnell. News
The lack of urobilin in the feces will be apparent from the light brown to chalky white color of the stools.
It turns out that some species of penguin can expel their feces with such force that it can fly 40 cm.
Transmission of roundworm, whipworm and hookworm requires a warm wet environment to ensure survival of eggs or larvae in soil that is contaminated with human faeces.
The faeces contain nitrogen and it is that which fertilises the desert soil.
In the movie, Jason Bateman's earnest lawyer and family man, Dave, gets a faceful of feces while changing a diaper.
'Apes': Something to Thump Chests About
Contact with cats, kittens, cats' faeces, or cats who hunt for food was not a risk factor for infection.
The burn contained surface water from a nearby outfall that could be contaminated with sewage, as well as animal faeces from farms.
They suggest that Roridula absorbs nitrogen from the liquid hemipteran faeces directly through the cuticle.
Those are infectious stages of the parasite and it's also excreted into the environment with the faeces.
Adenovirus is spread by contact with infected feces, urine or respiratory droplets.
Scat is simply what wildlife watchers call the excrement or feces of an animal. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
A video piece of handwashing by Bruce Naumann sits comfortably with a splendid display of Delft tiles; and a blue-and-white chamber pot and several life-size sofa-type objects with their "backs" made from tons of processed human feces somehow go nicely with the 1661 English delftware plate deflatingly inscribed "You and I are Earth.
Dishing the 'Dirt' on Filth
We want to transform 90 percent of biowaste, such as faeces or manure, to electricity and heat. - Photown News
This means leaving faeces in a prominent place, rather than covering them up in the litter tray.
All I could see was that face, smeared in jellylike feces, the blank eyes sightlessly staring into the abyss above.
The Curse of the Wendigo
But Sharon caught me off guard when she started to talk with some approval about scatology, a fetish whose adherents use feces to enhance sexual activity.
Urine, feces, and vomitus went in the toilet. hmmmm must have been LATE Pleistocene since most of the houses I lived in had flush toilets IN TH HOUSE, ffor heavens sakes!
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Suspected scabies may be confirmed by microscopic identification of the mite or its feces in skin scrapings.
The fungus is a common soil contaminant being excreted in feces of several birds particularly pigeons.
Incontinence to urine and faeces commonly dates from pregnancy and childbirth.
Fecal output was calculated by dividing mean chromium release rate by the concentration of chromium in the feces.
Take care to avoid contact with the feces of family pets - especially reptiles.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus can be present in raw or undercooked seafoods while Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus are usually associated with foods contaminated by animal feces and the consumption of raw meat and unclean eggs.
There is evidence that both infectious and Serum hepatitis may be transmitted by faeces , urine, blood and other body fluids such as ascitic fluid.
Curing ulcerative colitis but leaving the patient incontinent of feces does the patient a great disservice.
They were evidently so enamored of the pitahaya cactus that they picked the seeds out of their feces and ate them again.
Almost an Island: Travels in Baja California by Bruce Berger
Colonic contents and faeces were freeze dried.
Contact with cats, kittens, cats' faeces, or cats who hunt for food was not a risk factor for infection.
And should he choose to be a father one day, please give to him the age-old experience of wrestling his own infant son on the changing table, all at once getting headbutted by this pudgy Tasmanian Devil who has now befouled four diapers and smeared feces on the wall because he WILL NOT JUST F%#KING LIE STILL, and being more in love with this mini Genghis Khan than he ever thought possible.
Jamie Denbo: Tina Fey, Mothers, Daughters, Sons
As the faeces move through the bowel, they rub away surface cells on the lining.
And undigested food materials are formed into feces in the intestines and excreted from the body as solid waste in bowel movements.
People can become sick after eating food or water with animal feces in it.
People can have similar reactions to dust mite feces, pollen, animal dander and many other particulates in the environment.
Human infection follows accidental ingestion of ova passed in dog faeces.
There are three explanations as to why dog owners are reluctant to clear up their dogs' faeces.
All urine collections must avoid contamination with menstrual blood, vaginal secretions and feces.
The rectum, at the end of the colon, is where faeces collect before they are expelled through the anus as a bowel movement.
Take care to avoid contact with the feces of family pets - especially reptiles.
GG Allin is perhaps best remembered for his notorious live performances which typically featured transgressive acts, such as Allin defecating and urinating onstage, rolling in feces and often consuming excrement, performing naked, committing self-injury, and attacking audience members.
Documenting Reality
He smelled of stale faeces and tomato sauce.
The intention is for the seed to remain intact and to be passed out with the faeces.
What delight is there in a cagework (of bones, full) of feces,
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Furthermore, the attenuated virus is excreted in the faeces, leading to herd immunity.
They found that the snail Anguispira alternata was attracted to fresh deer feces whether or not they contained P. tenuis larvae, although the snails seemed to prefer larvae-free feces to those containing larvae.
Snails and deer poop
On day 3 of each treatment, woodrats were confined to a portion of their cage that allowed for the separate collection of urine and feces.
The characteristic odor of intestinal flatus, like that of the feces, is due mainly to skatol, a crystalline compound produced when bacteria break down the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in proteins.
The non-dog-owning public would soon appreciate a world free of the wretched curs and their faeces.
The intention is for the seed to remain intact and to be passed out with the faeces.
Some animals have overcome this deficiency by consuming the faeces or cecal content containing the microbes using a strategy termed coprophagy or cecotrophy respectively.
By that, I don't mean the beer they drank or the feces they threw at the underclassmen; I mean the mentality.
He and his staff chose a nickname that contracted mohawk and the Spanish word for feces.
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Red Death shot from your feet, fouling the air with its stench of rotting meat and rat feces.
In marine sediments and faeces, sulphate reducing bacteria outcompete methanogenic bacteria because of their higher affinity for such substrates.
Cysts are passed in a host's feces, remaining viable in a moist environment for months.
H kingston 1 gb memory revenuer calibrated to lusciousness pipette, hereupon simultaneity, enforceable faeces, rtm counterdemonstrator, disgraceful crony, contrafagotto rophy.
Rational Review
Khoruts published a study in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2009 that showed a single infusion of feces reversed the absence of bacteroides - a group of bacteria vital to the body's ability to withstand infections with C.difficile.
McCann said the man threw a folded paper ‘full of feces’ across a counter, hitting the woman in the stomach and splattering feces on her, the counter and the floor.
Complications of constipation occur when faeces are impacted so hard within the bowel that the wall perforates, leading to potentially fatal infections in the body cavity.
Feces, urine, or blood can easily contaminate the wound and infection can range from a superficial infection to septicemia and gangrene of vulvar tissue.
The stench emanating from the cankerous sores, feces, urine, and rotting corpses will be immense, but like their brethren pigs who also have highly developed senses of smell, the dogs will simply need to live with the fetid air and pneumonia they develop.
Meat's Meat....So Let's Eat
Apud antiquos amor Lethes olim fuit, is ardentes faeces in profluentum inclinabat; hujus statua Veneris Eleusinae templo visebatur, quo amantes confluebant, qui amicae memoriam deponere volebant.
Anatomy of Melancholy
These parasites are transmitted via oocysts that are excreted with the feces of the host.
You cannot catch toxocariasis from an infected human being, only from the faeces of a infected animal.
However, when animal and human faeces are used, bacteria excreted in the intestines is the main source of protein.
2. The origins of hydrogen sulphide in biogas plants
Fish feces fall into the sand and decompose into mineral substances.
* About 98% of uranium entering the body via ingestion is not absorbed, but is eliminated via the faeces.
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People can become sick after eating food or water with animal feces in it.
But I guarantee you that if you take the bomb calorimetry of the stuff you stuff yourself with, subtract off the bomb calorimety of your feces, urine, and sweat, the heat flow from your body surfaces to the external environment, and the work you do moving stuff around with your limbs, then if the difference is positive you will gain weight.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Are Carbs Worse than Fat?
Do the egesta pass out in the form of normal feces?
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
This increases the likelihood of spreading diseases between animals by direct contact and through eating bait contaminated with disease causing agents shed in feces, saliva or other excretions.
The fungus is a common soil contaminant being excreted in feces of several birds particularly pigeons.
The gravid segment of the adult tapeworm breaks off and disintegrates in the large bowel, releasing hundreds of infective eggs, which then pass out with the feces.
Khoruts published a study in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2009 that showed a single infusion of feces reversed the absence of bacteroides - a group of bacteria vital to the body's ability to withstand infections with C.difficile.
Typhoid bacteria are released in the urine and faeces of infected people.
These small tapeworm cysts (taenia saginata) are about the size of a pea and found in the flesh of cattle, which become infected by eating food or drinking water which has been contaminated by the feces of persons harboring adult tapeworms.
The Veterinarian
Whether the apparent low concentrations of prions amplifiable from the obex of the urine/feces recipients could represent a persistent non-pathogenic prion carrier state, or rather (perhaps more likely) indicates that an observation period far exceeding 19 months would be required to reveal ultimately pathogenic prion infections in these animals, remains undetermined.
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From his work analyzing hormones and DNA in animal feces, Wasser knew that scat could provide a wealth of information about wildlife populations.
They included skatole, a component of feces; trimethylamine, one of the essences of rotting fish; and several of the more pungent fatty acids that contribute to rancid human body odor, " Ed says.
This was considered very sensuous at the time, as filth and animal feces were considered adornments, like sexy lingerie is to modern women.
A sample of fresh faeces should be collected each day.
A mammal – characterised by its large body with stocky legs, long snout and plantigrade paws – will, by preference, drop its faeces within a forested area.
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Abnormalities may include: decrease in number or volume, coloring of urate portion changing to yellow or green, increase in water content of fecal portion (diarrhea), increase in urine portion (polyuria), decrease in the feces volume with increased urates (polyurates), and the presence of blood.
The Last Chance Dog
Feces to a face, let you taste flavor, ah!
Thus, although wood, bones, and shells are the most common fossils, under certain conditions soft tissues, tracks and trails, and even coprolites (fossil feces) may be preserved as fossils.
Inside the coffin it is pitch dark and fouled with faeces because women confined there are refused access to a toilet.
Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection transmitted by food or water from urine or faeces from infected people.
Direct contact with secretions and excretions, especially faeces from infected birds.
The chemicals break down the faeces and obviously kill any bacteria present.
The birds then obligingly dropped their feces into well-placed plastic flowerpots near popular perches throughout a large, wooded test area.
Roberts has clearly carefully read Gulliver's Travels and in this sequel he uses some of the same diction and language of Jonathan Swift, whilst simultaneously pursuing some of the same themes and ideas there is a lenghthy digression related to faeces, which is highly reminiscent of Swift's own use of dubious imagery in the original.
Archive 2007-11-01
However, the lack of bile flow into the intestines will result in neither urobilinogen nor urobilin being found in the feces.
Rat urine and feces are infectious and contaminate the surroundings, including human food.
“Most of us suspected that prions might be spread in feces, but we needed proof.”
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cleanse itself"; to succeed they must first soften and liquefy the dry, hardened feces and scybalous masses (little ancient, bullet-like formations) imprisoned above an inflamed and fevered lower bowel, even colon.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
Slide 6: Description of each Organ Large Intestine Stores food and wastes and prepares the food to be egested Rectum Stores solid feces Anus Feces pass through this part and gets egested out of the body
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The inclusion of the phytase enzyme in the diet will reduce the amount of phosphorus excreted in the feces.
Dust mite allergens are proteins that come from the digestive tracts of mites and are found in mite feces.
The most tragic consequence of female genital mutilation is the formation of fistulas - holes between the bladder or rectum and the vagina that cause a woman to constantly leak urine or feces.
Ending Genital Mutilation, Village by Village
Those are infectious stages of the parasite and it's also excreted into the environment with the faeces.
Giardia lives in the gut and produces microscopic hard-walled cysts that pass out of the body with the faeces.
This means leaving faeces in a prominent place, rather than covering them up in the litter tray.
One strain was found next to a washroom, which isn't surprising since salmonella is spread by animal feces.
The streets were piled with rubbish and animal feces.
Consequently for public health purposes the focus for the prevention of diseases such as amoebiasis is on water quality/water supply integrity, preventing food from being cross-contaminated with a source such as feces, and maintaining food under conditions which will inhibit bacterial growth.
Different Frame of Reference
As for pooping, the larva only poops once in its childhood, in that, the feces is stored at the end of the digestive tract as a superconcentrated pellet, and is only released after the molt of the second to final instar before pupating.
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I'm plain tuckered out with this dimwit bull feces! elana
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Ascariasis occurs when worm eggs commonly found in soil and human feces are ingested.
The waste will be run through a methane digester, a tank in which bacteria break down the feces to create methane.
Inside the coffin it is pitch dark and fouled with faeces because women confined there are refused access to a toilet.
The reason for cleaning first when you wish to disinfect is to remove organic matter—blood, feces, or food, for example—that might inactivate bleach and certain other household disinfectants.
Adenovirus is spread by contact with infected feces, urine or respiratory droplets.
Rat urine and feces are infectious and contaminate the surroundings, including human food.
Occasionally with the aid of the photophore, and even without it, the warm two-ounce enema containing a level teaspoon of baking soda and a level teaspoon of salt to a pint of water when allowed to flow into the bowel, will soon bring down both gas and feces to the great relief of the baby.
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Furthermore, the attenuated virus is excreted in the faeces, leading to herd immunity.
So with dirty clothes and feces in my teeth, I climbed on top of the fence with the gun and jumped on the back of one of the colts that were hanging around the barnyard.
All the while the scientists collected samples of feces from every group to be analyzed for germinability at a later point in time.
Post-ingestive processes include further particle sorting, digestion, absorption and egestion of true faeces.
Flies can breed in infected faeces and contaminate food.
But, by the same token, could a monkey be blamed for throwing around his own feces, or a fish blamed for soiling his water?
Despite decades of education, homosexuals still tend to be promiscuous and to engage in high rates of high risk and often anonymous sex practices including fisting, torture, sodomy, coprophagy, vampirism, and other paraphilias that result in the exchange of blood, urine, feces, and semen yielding much higher rates of deadly disease than in the normal population.
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Many fungi are found in soil and often fostered by small ground animals and their feces-filled tunnels.
Infected lice pass rickettsiae in their faeces within two to six days after the blood meal; it is infective earlier if crushed.
Chapter 2
Urine, faeces and sweat have been described as the three main excretable products.
But the researchers who study coprolites, as fossil feces are known, say these dietary waste products can tell us much about dinosaurs and other ancient animals.
Usually this free newspaper is chock-a-block full of advertisements and feces for articles.
Eight hours after admission, she experienced increased restlessness, irritability, severe dyspnea, nausea, and vomiting, and she was incontinent of urine and feces.
Typhoid bacteria are released in the urine and faeces of infected people.
When it finished scrabbling, the rat would believe the faeces to be buried.
Since the faeces produced by the immune adults contains few if any O. ostertagi eggs the pasture contamination is greatly reduced.
For example, transmission of roundworm, whipworm and hookworm requires a warm wet environment to ensure survival of eggs or larvae in soil that is contaminated with human faeces.
Beethoven, do you still collect your old feces and urea in labeled mason jars on display in your “china” cabinet?
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It is important to change the baby's nappy regularly, to minimise the chance of urine and faeces irritating the skin.
Urine, faeces and sweat have been described as the three main excretable products.
Another interesting feature is that up-regulated genes are mostly exclusive for SFG rickettsiae, a finding consistent with the fact that the inoculation site corresponds to environmental conditions not encountered by TG bacteria that are transmitted to human by exposure to feces of infected lice or fleas
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These daughter sporocysts, containing encysted metacercariae, were then voided in the feces of the snail.
Incontinence to urine and faeces commonly dates from pregnancy and childbirth.
They told me about the resulting loss of their reproductive organs and the fistulae they got - the hole between their vagina and anus or vagina and bladder that no longer allowed them to hold their urine or faeces.
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The virus is present in the exhaled air, secretions and faeces of infected birds, both before they show signs of illness and while they are convalescent.
That night the snow gave way to a cold, driving rain, and the spiritless men slept on soggy ground “littered by the feces of dysenteric prisoners” who were marching ahead of them, and they drank from ditches that had been used as latrines.
Masters of the Air
The fungal spores found in the pillows fed off human skins scales and dust mite faeces.
There is little evidence of virus excretion in urine or faeces.
The inclusion of the phytase enzyme in the diet will reduce the amount of phosphorus excreted in the feces.
Infected animals excrete virus in exhaled air, in saliva, in milk, in semen, in faeces, in urine and in ruptured vesicle fluid.
It is transmitted through contaminated food, water and infected human faeces.
Other symptoms include bleeding, jaundice, excessive yellowness of urine, feces, eyes and skin, excessive hunger, thirst, burning sensations and difficulty sleeping.
Burying the feces is more a courtesy to the aesthetics of the other human users of the area.
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Dispose of animal feces and sanitize anything they have touched.
Since the faeces produced by the immune adults contains few if any O. ostertagi eggs the pasture contamination is greatly reduced.
I do not think feces is particularly high in protein.
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Experts estimate that enough of the virus is contained in one gramme of faeces from an infected animal to infect a million other dogs.
Mercury vapor in the gastrointestinal tract is converted to mercuric sulfide and excreted in the feces.
Ochoa showed the journalists a black plastic lid that covered a swimming pool-size cement container of pig feces to prevent exposure to the outside air.
Recent research on the behaviour of these insects has revealed that their vile smelling faeces, which may be ejected in self defence, plays a role in intersexual communication and territorial behaviour.
New experimental evidence on the faeces of modern fish show that faeces must be buried in less than 24 hours if they are to be preserved as coprolites in the fossil record.
The cloaca is a single opening through which urine and faeces are excreted but certain species, including ducks, geese, swans and flamingos also possess a penis.
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Once T. gondii has bred in the brain of a cat that has ingested an infected rat, the parasite's oocysts are expelled with the cat's feces.
For instance, the substance indole, which comes from coal tar and animal feces, actually smells like jasmine at its detection threshold.
Infection is through the oral route when sucking from teats contaminated either by faeces in ewes harbouring the bacteria in their intestinal tract, or by infected soil.
For these tests, horses 'feces are collected and examined using a quantitative egg counting technique -- the number of strongyle eggs per gram is measured for each horse (see Further Reading at the end of this article for a step-by-step guide).
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This does not however necessarily mean that the E. coli present pose a risk, but rather that the risk of a pathogenic organism carried/dispersed in feces is present.
We are in Mexico and my husband is ill
Contact with cats, kittens, cats' faeces, or cats who hunt for food was not a risk factor for infection.
In many cases the terminal proglottid packed with eggs breaks away from the strobila and is freed within the feces
Breath methane was measured and viable counts and metabolic activities of methanogenic bacteria and sulphate reducing bacteria determined in faeces.
Presence of small amounts of human and animal faeces, which is one of the important indicator for bacteriological contamination was found in many of the samples.
Pregnant women are usually warned to avoid all contact with cats and cat feces to avoid exposure to Toxoplasma gondii, a microbe that can cause miscarriages or damage to fetuses.
Really, if you think a joke in which "Their fall was broken by all the feces" is one of the tamer lines, this joke may be too much for you.
Bob Saget, you are one filthy bastard
The feces of both species consisted mainly of brownish plant fragments and some microscopic fungal hyphae. 9 words shorter.
An exercise in concise writing
Dog feces naturally contain bacteria called methanogens, which use hydrogen to break down carbon dioxide into microbial food.
In marine sediments and faeces, sulphate reducing bacteria outcompete methanogenic bacteria because of their higher affinity for such substrates.
Consequently the chances of getting amoebiasis from "feces dust" is pretty remote.
Different Frame of Reference
No one wants to get blood, pus, bile, or urine over their clothes, after all, not to mention faeces or vomit.
Garvon & Bird provide a brief review of the previous reports in the literature: one study claimed that the snails were repelled by fresh deer feces, but not weathered ones, while another study claimed that snails were repelled by deer feces containing P. tenuis larvae.
Snails and deer poop
Occasionally, an ileostomy or colostomy can prolapse or become narrowed, so blocking the passage of faeces.
According to a story by Jill Rosen of the Baltimore Sun, residents of the "ritzy" Scarlett Place condominium near the city's Inner Harbor have lately become outraged by dog feces found in the elevators, hallways and other common areas.
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Briefly, each biopsy sample was washed thoroughly in three changes of diluent to remove faeces and adherent mucus.
Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection transmitted by food or water from urine or faeces from infected people.
The gravid segment of the adult tapeworm breaks off and disintegrates in the large bowel, releasing hundreds of infective eggs, which then pass out with the feces.
He tells TMZ. com, "I confirmed that urine was not classified as a biohazard waste and not subject to the risks of legal ramifications of blood, semen, or faeces.
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The faeces contain nitrogen and it is that which fertilises the desert soil.
Tests indicate that the increased calorie content of the faeces amounts to nearly ten percent when people follow high-fibre diets.
Dust mite allergens are proteins that come from the digestive tracts of mites and are found in mite feces.
They're usually passed from person to person on unwashed hands and surfaces contaminated by feces.
Secondary infection may occur as a result of bites being scratched, although bites may also become infected by the bacteria carried on the bodies or limbs of the lice or in their faeces.
Human excreta - urine and feces - can be treated one of two ways, either aerobically (with oxygen) or anaerobically (without oxygen).
The mystery of whether big cats are stalking Pembrokeshire is no closer to being solved, after laboratory analysis of faeces failed to prove their existence.
[Treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea with a suspension of donor faeces]" (in Dutch; Flemish).
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The microscopic examinations of the feces of both species indicated that they consisted mainly of brownish plant fragments and smaller fractions of microscopic fungal hyphae.
Archive 2009-04-01
There is a Loreauville woman who is alleged to have "hoarded" more than 40 animals, keeping some in cages inch-deep in feces.
You also can get this infection from soil where there is cat feces, so wear gloves when you are gardening.
Others have a tendency to cause constipation, and this in turn can produce incontinence both of urine and faeces.
At least some species are known to be coprophagous, reingesting special feces voided from the cecum
These transverse folds or valves inhibit the too hasty passage of the feces along the bowels by checking and retaining the egested product in the large recesses or pools between the folds; they thus serve as so many dams in the passage of feces toward elimination.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
Blowflies, such as greenbottles and bluebottles, are attracted to your rabbit and its housing by the presence of faeces, urine, rotting vegetables and open wounds.
Sandflies are found around human habitations and breed in specific organic wastes such as feces, manure, rodent burrows, and leaf litter.
Most floral notes are rich with indole, a chemical that is actually found in human feces.
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They also eat soil and feces when they have "dysbiosis" - a disturbed gut bacterial colony that can be a precursor to inflammatory bowel disease, liver and other health problems.
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Tilapia are what they eat, and in unmanaged systems, animal manure and even human faeces contribute to the mix.
Bacteria metabolize levulose to acidic byproducts which then promotes excretion of ammonia in the feces as ammonium ions, NH 4 +.
Properly collected specimens such as serum, gastric contents or vomitus, feces or return from sterile water enemas, or food samples are to be referred to designated testing laboratories.
The definitive (and gruesome) proof came with the discovery of the human muscle protein myoglobin in the fossilized human feces of a prehistoric Anasazi pueblo Indian.
Collect and label urine and faeces of patients who have possible internal radioactive contamination.
Khoruts published a study in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2009 that showed a single infusion of feces reversed the absence of bacteroides -- a group of bacteria vital to the body's ability to withstand infections with C.difficile.
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When moist conditions prevail, the L3 migrate from the faeces on to the herbage.
They are often covered with crusts formed by discharge and faeces, and become infected by a variety of bacteria and fungi.
Regarding the composition of snake poo (posts 94, 96), the white, hard part of snake feces comes from the indigestible bones, fur, and other highly calcified tissues.
Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? Boing Boing
Usually this free newspaper is chock-a-block full of advertisements and feces for articles.
Are you sure you did not accidentally buy a can of the expensive coffee harvested from the feces of the Asian palm civet?
Page 2
Khoruts published a study in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2009 that showed a single infusion of feces reversed the absence of bacteroides -- a group of bacteria vital to the body's ability to withstand infections with C.difficile.
Reuters: Top News
When you start going extinct, there will be fewer and fewer feet on the ground, and thus less and less source material for ancient DNA such as faeces, shed dermal tissues, and decaying bodies. Headlines
Meanwhile the primate that was "saved" is throwing feces at someone's head and continually banging his private parts against a steel cage.
Dawkins, Hussein, and ALF
The fox tapeworm is spread to humans in canine feces and can cause a fatal disease of the liver known as alveolar echinococcosis.
Scientific American
Mucus losses are also a factor in metabolic faecal loss, i.e., the loss of endogenous matter (including cell debris and protein secretions) that accompanies post-ingestive selection and the egestion of true faeces.
Patients with established colorectal cancer showed increased proportions of secondary bile acids in their faeces.
You also can get this infection from soil where there is cat feces, so wear gloves when you are gardening.
Considering that “the Ronald” is responsible for the Tax Cut and Spend dogma that falls like so much feces from the Conservatives mouth, “the Ronald” picture should be on the OFFICIAL U.S. I.O.U.,
Matthew Yglesias » In Praise of Grant
Both girls have displayed other troubling behaviour since arriving in care, including: H.T. ducking her head when chastised, both girls soiling their underpants and smearing feces when upset.
A disposable enema or manual evacuation of faeces may be used in the treatment of faecal impaction.
Lawmaker Emily Lau Wai - hing's offices have been subjected to an arson attack and smeared with faeces.
Figure effluent · Liquid flowing out of a tank or sewage works. excreta · Faeces and urine. facultative anaerobe ·
Chapter 8
The study shows that organic fertiliser could reduce the hurt of soil "cadmium-pollution and the effect of goat feces is better than peat.
Ascariasis occurs when worm eggs commonly found in soil and human feces are ingested.
Failure to pass flatus or feces suggests intestinal obstruction.
In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
If a dog defecates in the parks, the person in charge of the dog shall remove the faeces and deposit it in a litter bin or other receptacle which may be designated for the purpose.
HARNESS: Jacob is one of just 1,738 people who have now fallen ill from a parasite called cryptosporidium, found in human and animal feces.
CNN Transcript Aug 20, 2005
It is important to change the baby's nappy regularly, to minimise the chance of urine and faeces irritating the skin.
H kingston 1 gb memory revenuer calibrated to lusciousness pipette, hereupon simultaneity, enforceable faeces, rtm counterdemonstrator, disgraceful crony, contrafagotto rophy.
Rational Review
Some of the women have been unable to control the flow of urine and faeces from their bodies for many years due to a medical condition known as obstetric fistula.
AllAfrica News: Latest
In truth, when it becomes embedded in your fingernails after changing a particularly messy diaper and the only way to get rid of the real or psychological stink is to cut them off and bleach the cuticles, no immature but ultimately tenderhearted guy will ever regard feces as if it were a coat of blush and gaze at you lovingly, realizing at long last that he's found his soul mate.
Meredith C. Carroll: Potty Training Our Daughter: Do We Have To?
Ooh! and emphasise just how important a message this is for apekind by writing it on a wall with your faeces?
Duh, Tell Us About The Rabbits, George
Fetal defecation isn't normal, but fetuses do accumulate a mass of greenish feces, called meconium, in their intestines.
I did not know that: fetuses urinate and (can) poop
The faeces contain nitrogen and it is that which fertilises the desert soil.
TMZ that prior to the show he had "confirmed that urine was not classified as a biohazard waste and not subject to the risks of legal ramifications of blood, semen, or feces. > Australia's leading independent live music hub. Stock up on music and tour news, reviews, gig photos and idle gossip, or bitch to your heart's content in the forums.
Briefly, each biopsy sample was washed thoroughly in three changes of diluent to remove faeces and adherent mucus.
Exposure to bile is the primary stimulus for encystation, where trophozoites transform into cysts that pass out with the feces.
If human food or utensils come in contact with roach feces, then there's the chance of life-threatening illness.
The city forms its poisons which we call sewage and the body its poisons, which we call excreta (or carbonic acid, urea, uric acid, faeces, etc.)
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A colostomy involves diverting the route of the bowel through a hole in the abdomen, with a bag to collect the faeces.
Collect and label urine and faeces of patients who have possible internal radioactive contamination.
Bacteria metabolize levulose to acidic byproducts which then promotes excretion of ammonia in the feces as ammonium ions, NH 4 +.
As a manifestation of anal eroticism, that is, holding the feces so that he could talk while trying to conceal the act.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Also known as parrot fever, this bacterial illness can occur when people have contact with infected bird feces or with the dust that accumulates in birdcages.
The feces of both species consisted mainly of brownish plant fragments and some microscopic fungal hyphae. (9 words shorter.)
Archive 2009-04-01
Cysts are passed in a host's feces, remaining viable in a moist environment for months.
In 1997, 2436 faeces samples from patients of gastroenteritis were processed for enteric pathogens.
Human infection follows accidental ingestion of ova passed in dog faeces.
The lack of urobilin in the feces will be apparent from the light brown to chalky white color of the stools.
ChrisIowa: Burying the feces is more a courtesy to the aesthetics of the other human users of the area.
The Volokh Conspiracy » County Judge’s Response to Complaint About Hunters Defecating in the Woods
Veterinarians diagnose strongyle infection from microscopic observation of eggs in the feces.
Objective: Extracting total DNA of intestinal tract bacteria from human faeces to investigate intestinal microflora.
That little stringy thing next to the snail is a clump of snail feces.
Archive 2009-04-01
If no pasture is available then the mare will have to be fed a bran mash to keep the feces loose.
Well, it turns out that compys will eat the feces of large herbivores and redigest it.
Jurassic Park
I feel like politicians, there is a certain inherent, you know, the way I always explain it is, when you go to the zoo and a monkey throws its feces, its a monkey.
Jon Stewart: The Most Trusted Name In Fake News
A chemist who contaminated food and wine in Gloucestershire supermarkets with his own urine and faeces has escaped prison today.
Archive 2009-04-01