Networking Follow-Up Email
Used 646 times
The "Networking Follow-Up Email" template is a brief and polite message designed for sending to new business contacts. It includes a personalized greeting, appreciation for the meeting, discussion of mutual interests, and a request for a follow-up meeting to discuss potential collaboration opportunities.
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Dear [First Name],
It was a pleasure meeting you at [event name] yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the event as much as I did. Your insights on [topic of discussion] were very helpful and I appreciate the time you took to share them with me.
I wanted to follow-up with you to see if you would be interested in meeting again soon to discuss potential opportunities for collaboration. I am particularly interested in [insert area of mutual interest] and I believe our companies could benefit from working together.
If you are available, I would like to schedule a meeting at your convenience. Please let me know what dates and times work best for you, and we can arrange the details.
Thank you again for your time and insights. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]

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