General Apology Email
Used 2181 times
The General Apology Email template is an email that expresses an apology for falling short of a customer's expectations. It describes the problem that caused the issue and offers actions that have been taken to prevent it from happening again. The email ends by expressing the company's gratitude for the customer's continued trust and invites feedback.
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Hi [customer name]
We are sorry that {company} has come up short of your expectations, and offer our apologies. 

Describe the problem you are sorry for 

We did not intend to {describe what went wrong} and accept responsibility for what happened. I’m sorry for the inconvenience that this caused. 

Actions taken 

Our customer care team has reviewed your complaint, and determined it was caused by {describe cause of mistake}. Now that we understand our oversight, it is our goal to ensure it doesn’t happen again by {how you will prevent this}. 
 We value every customer, and we hope you’ll trust us in the future. Should you wish to give us more feedback, or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. 
[your company/name]

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