Cover letter
Used 2245 times
The "Cover Letter" template provides a comprehensive structure for job applicants to introduce themselves to potential employers. The template includes sections for contact information, salutation, introduction, body, closing, and signature. The template encourages users to highlight their qualifications, experience, and unique skills that make them an excellent fit for the position.
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Header (optional)

Your cover letter should begin with both your and the employer's contact information (name, address, phone number, email) followed by the date. If you are writing a cover letter via email, then this section should go to the end and be placed after your signature.
First and Last Name
Street Address
City, State Zip


First, you need to greet the person you are writing with [Dr./Mr./Ms. Last Name]
If you do not know, who will read your letter, use something like [Dear Hiring Manager]. Try to avoid using the generic and formal, “To Whom It May Concern.”


Here you need to state what job you are applying for. Then explain, why you decided to apply, briefly mention your skills and experience, if someone referred the position to you, name the person as well.


After the introduction, take a sentence or two to explain, why you are a good fit for the position, and how the company will benefit by hiring you. Mention specific qualifications, you’ve listed in your CV, tell more about your outstanding results at your previous position. If you already have any ideas on upgrading your potential employer’s products, services, or business processes, mention this as well. When doing so, it is a good idea to use numbers: “at my last company, [I’ve increased sales by 25%], and I believe that my approach can help in boosting [the product’s ROI by 15%] by the end of year.


Once again, mention your skills that make you a perfect fit for the position. The good idea is to manage to include a reason why you want to work in this specific company: [I like the product X] or [I have been following your research for years].


Sign the letter and include your contact information for the email version of the cover letter.

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