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How To Use Intelligent In A Sentence

  • It seems the interest in an intelligent house is rapidly growing.
  • If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He was a highly intelligent commercial lawyer and then judge who suddenly found himself having to grind out fact after fact from nuggets of information painstakingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think that while full-on female displays will evoke an easy and instinctual hormone rush -- which, as I said, might be a good complement to a melee brawl -- most intelligent people will agree that some sort of subtlety in sexuality is appealing on more levels simultaneously. Archive 2008-02-01
  • When he first came into the job, he was viewed as cool, aloof and intelligent.
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  • No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson 
  • Founded in Sep of 2004, IrishEnvy. com has grown in to a premiere web portal upon a Internet for grown up as well as intelligent Notre Dame Fighting Irish entertainment discussion! Tunverified voracity
  • He's intelligent, witty, a loving husband, and an excellent cook into the bargain.
  • If you are intelligent and disciplined enough to read dense books, then why do you lack faith in your own abilities to show discipline with a television set?
  • He wanted to show that one could be an educated and intelligent believer without abandoning the apostolic rule of faith and life.
  • A spellbinding four hours of voices, intelligent interviews and specialists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although I don't consider myself unintelligent or inarticulate, I don't tend to have the courage of my convictions when called upon to air my opinions.
  • I am pretty certain that during his actual practice lifetime Dr. Egnor utilized these studies and never counted on the brains of his patients to be so intelligently designed that they would all be optimally perfectly identical. coturnix Egnorance Overload - The Panda's Thumb
  • Even in 1935 they were being sent an ‘astonishing amount of illiterate and unintelligent writing’, but practised readers spent little time on it.
  • Cahoot's new interest range outstrips its online banking rival, Intelligent Finance, the Halifax's Internet bank.
  • Any area of the country wher they will look you in the eye and tell you that dinaosuars roamed the earth in 6 BC with Noah and Jesus and espouses creationsim and intelligent design (what an oxymoron) will give you Senators like Inhofe, DeMint, McConnell and the other gop troglodytes, Voinovich: The GOP's 'being taken over by Southerners'
  • Successful people are not necessarily more intelligent than the average people, but they are more courageous, more determined and more persistent. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It is not merely that she is eloquent and articulate; she is also unusually shrewd and intelligent.
  • Your answer is to of, fact proof you are intelligent, you know incredibly that coconut palm is last long not out the orange!
  • Although the majority of slaves lived and died in bondage, the intelligent and enterprising slave lived in the hope of eventually buying his freedom.
  • Politics is wily, skilled and intelligent, not clumsy and ham-handed.
  • Spin fantasies in your head, she's probably the most charming and intelligent creature on earth.
  • The game is slick, intelligent and witty. The Sun
  • Although he has not got much speed, he is an intelligent thinker and he knows what he is doing.
  • Imagine that on only a handful of these worlds life evolved into intelligent life and built a civilization. The Sun
  • It is a sumptuous and intelligent film about love and thwarted ambition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Man might think that he's the most intelligent life form on earth but this is simply a dreadful mistake.
  • In the lead was a tall man, about Adam's height, with a head full of graying brown hair and a pair of intelligent-looking spectacles.
  • JTP computer-controlled intelligent hoister is the construcion equipment specially designed for vertical transport of materials for construction and installation.
  • He has endeavoured to render THE PICTURE an intelligent _Cicerone_, without being too garrulous or grandiloquous, -- but always attentive to the stranger, leading him to every remarkable object, and giving just as much description of each, as would be acceptable to persons enjoying the full use of their eyes. Brannon's Picture of The Isle of Wight The Expeditious Traveller's Index to Its Prominent Beauties & Objects of Interest. Compiled Especially with Reference to Those Numerous Visitors Who Can Spare but Two or Three Days to Make the Tour of the
  • I've come to the conclusion that democracy must fail because the demos is either too ignorant or unintelligent for it to work. Leviathan Montgomery, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. 
  • Mature, adult comprehension can lead us all to see that there are some very intelligent and worthy of praise men out there.
  • Software agents are semi-intelligent computer programs that help users with the overload of information and the complexity of the online world.
  • Which theory do you think should be taught in our schools - creationism, evolution, intelligent design or all of the above?
  • I felt very intelligent and very capable.
  • It perpetuates the image of the boorish, boerewors eating, brandy drinking supporter when, in fact, our supporters are highly intelligent with a keen understanding of the game.
  • With the larger and more intelligent parrots in particular, one of the main issues in captive breeding is compatibility. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • I commend Zizek for being one of the great cinephiles among the upper echelon of today's intelligentsia.
  • At length the young lady raised her head and looked steadily at his intelligent face.
  • Some of these songs have a varying beat and indications of some intelligent musicianship, not like the penetrating bass that thunders out from cars and flats wherever you go.
  • Most Hollywood films, particularly science fiction films, are these days a mass of overfamiliar and uncredited cliches that have been ripped off and merged together, usually not very intelligently.
  • Many of the insanities start in this fashion; and all such practices, instead of being encouraged, should be discouraged; and all experienced and intelligent students of psychical research warn those who "dabble" in the subject against the repeated and promiscuous indulgence in such practices -- because of the dangerous, even disastrous, effects upon the mind, in many instances. The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
  • The others seem to think he's hugely intelligent, which says more about the bunch of thickos who have been thrown together this year than it does about Science himself.
  • Republicans – your pettiness and attack machinery cannot work among the electorates who are intelligent and appreciate the disadvantage of divisive politics where cohesion is needed. DeMint: Senate could've voted on TSA chief 'months ago'
  • This is light-hearted, but intelligent humour.
  • Hubert never experienced any fear, and this was partly because he was not particularly intelligent.
  • Intelligentsia National Production Manager Sean McMahon tells the A.V. Club that the label approached the coffee company just to tell them how much they liked Intelligentsia's product, and the relationship grew from there. Pitchfork: Latest News
  • It is uninventive, unresponsive, unintelligent, uninformed, and unmotivated to succeed.
  • Intelligent traffic signal controller ( ITSC ) is one of effective means to solve the problems mentioned above.
  • You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. Aldous Huxley 
  • If in this way we are to understand any thing of God's nature, we must by consequence understand so much of our own nature: that is, that it is a reasonable nature, that it is an intelligent nature, that it is a nature capable of improving itself in point of knowledge, by ratiocination and discourse; and even of knowledge concerning the highest and greatest, and first knowable, that is God and the very nature of God. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • The fine, intelligent, educated voice sang on in the sunny quadrangle of red - brick Colonial buildings.
  • They usually proved both intelligent and congenial.
  • As an application writes new data, free capacity within the array is configured and provisioned autonomically -- intelligently, automatically, and without consuming administrative resources. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • He was daring and intelligent, produced huge plays and scared defenses with his orchestration of the offense.
  • If I intelligent enough choose for myself, then where be improperness? The Cat is a Metaphor
  • The gap between the linguistic creativity of even the most intelligent ape and even the most backward of human beings is immense.
  • He describes an idea to build a “Web site with a biblical basis” that will be a “one-stop shop for people who want to talk intelligently about life issues,” which seem to include everything from eugenics to euthanasia to abortion. American Grace
  • As educated, intelligent consumers, we have to realize there is no real danger to humans.
  • A new method was developed to analyze the mechano electrochemical response of hydrogel, an intelligent material.
  • He asked for a ‘highly intelligent workaholic with skin like a rhinoceros and the ability to work 24 hours a day while juggling 20 balls in the air.’
  • My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. 
  • She wanted to free the Haluk — those highly intelligent, extremely numerous, misunderstood aliens — from the allomorphism that had so tragically hindered their progress. Perseus Spur
  • In order to do that successfully he will have to develop smart new ways of searching to find what he wants quickly and easily, and be able to access it instantaneously and precis it intelligently to give him exactly what he needs.
  • He needed intelligently and forthrightly to answer her charges and demonstrate sympathy for her embattled position.
  • Intelligent business search turns the unstructured, messy, duplicative and rich content available online into an analyzable data set of business ideas, relationships, facts and trends. Penny Herscher: The Latest Web Search Development: From Intentions to Insights
  • No intelligent, nice young man in Chechnya would marry a nonvirgin girl," says Yusupova. Women of Al Qaeda
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems ( ITS ) represent a major transition in transportation on many dimensions.
  • I have often thought that living through the 1950s – as an intelligent, sensitive woman – makes the current political atmosphere seem like a dirty-toenailed commune. Older and wiser, telling you what to do
  • There's the bold, aquiline nose, to be sure; the high, intelligent forehead and strong chin.
  • Lively, intelligent popular history. Times, Sunday Times
  • This point was highlighted by contributors to the documentary, who indicated that an articulate and intelligent woman lay underneath the blonde bombshell.
  • This had a powerful influence on the Russian intelligentsia and society in general of that time.
  • It is established as intelligential design system of automobile flanging die on base of 2 D environmental.
  • It seemed intelligent but in a sly, manipulative way. Times, Sunday Times
  • An intelligent solar bulk curing barn includes solar heating system, coal heating system, leaf loading system, ventilation system and automatic control system.
  • He became quicker of movement than the other dogs, swifter of foot, craftier, deadlier, more lithe, more lean with ironlike muscle and sinew, more enduring, more cruel, more ferocious, and more intelligent. The Outcast
  • Hubert never experienced any fear, and this was partly because he was not particularly intelligent.
  • She was not only extremely intelligent but also very practical.WHICH WORD?
  • Highly intelligent - their fans would argue that they're smarter than horses - donkeys and mules are quick learners.
  • You are missing the fact that since intelligent cause is indistiguishable from lawlike cause, then when ID say "The best explanation is intelligent cause, rather than blind, lawlike cause …" it is nonsense. Aiguy's Computer
  • The paradox of trust is that by intelligently relinquishing power, one gains it back many times over. INSIDE THE TORNADO: MARKETING STRATEGIES FROM SILICON VALLEY'S CUTTING EDGE
  • This is an intelligent fusion album with various personnel, and again Brecker s playing is awesome.
  • Though he's slightly built and really needs to add upper body strength, de Haan runs the PP impeccably with great decisions in puck distribution and he's also a smooth skater and very intelligent at both ends. Talent runs deep among defensemen in 2009 NHL Draft
  • Beyond college campi, what real influence has Ayn you ahrr to intelligent to beleef in gott Rand had? The Volokh Conspiracy » Was Ayn Rand the Most Influential Russian Immigrant to the United States?
  • Thus the appearance of teleology by itself is not sufficient to infer intelligent design.
  • It's the ultimate dilemma for the indecisive: two women, attractive, intelligent, devoted.
  • There could be places where the world is flat, or the sea is pink, or the most intelligent life form is a talking rabbit. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • The singing, both individual and choral, is tuneful with words both intelligibly and intelligently sung.
  • Abolitionists didn’t suddenly figure out scientifically that Africans were as intelligent as whites, and then fight against slavery; they fought against slavery and, AGAINST science as it then stood on the grounds of anideal. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
  • She was very young, I remember now with sorrow, and very beautiful; though _beautiful_ is not so much the word to describe her as _charming_ -- magnetic, graceful, intelligent. The New Penelope and Other Stories and Poems
  • None of this, however, precludes diversity within both bureaucracy and intelligentsia.
  • LEAD (9) [STEPHEN GRACE] 22, a fairly normal young man, intelligent, sensitive, down-to-earth, a bit shy (he thinks he has the social skills of a 15 year old) but appealing, Stephen is a film student who's had a fairly average life, with the exception of the tragedy of his older brother's death in a car accident seven years ago. Undefined
  • These groups were the intelligentsia, civil servants, the labour aristocracy, and successful petty producers.
  • Are you suggesting that the unintelligentsia should be writing history books? Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • All public representatives have to be sensible and intelligent and address this in a responsible way.
  • Her brown eyes are intelligent and searching and her long wiry dark hair has been cut into a short pixie-style cut and dyed honey brown.
  • Indeed it is urged, that it is suitable to the goodness of God, to imprint upon the minds of men characters and notions of himself, and not to leave them in the dark and doubt in so grand a concernment; and also, by that means, to secure to himself the homage and veneration due from so intelligent a creature as man; and therefore he has done it. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Miss Windsor was always much more intelligent than the all-bust-and-bum dumb blonde image she had created for herself.
  • Eric wasn't particularly intelligent but he had plenty of ambition.
  • She was not only extremely intelligent but also very practical.
  • “We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” Five Crucial Conservation Goals for Sportsmen
  • Like Adam Smith, I believe that intelligent action results from a harmonious blend of emotion and reason.
  • Not only had he most intelligently brought me a fresh ice, but he had brought the particular kind of rusk for which I had asked. Your United States Impressions of a first visit
  • Up until the final ten minutes this has been an intelligent, witty and unusually shrewd look at the social acceptance of mixed race relationships.
  • There's a portrait of him in Llanberis vicarage in which he looks as irrepressible and intelligent as this action implies.
  • Undemonstrative, quick-witted, alert and intelligent: he has it all.
  • People with paranoid disorders are often highly intelligent and can create complex scenarios about how and why they are being persecuted.
  • With the development of MEMS, the realization of micromation and intelligentization of scout system makes micro robot be an important research aspect in military affairs.
  • But so she would be; despite being quiet, she was not unintelligent. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • She was portrayed as a bit of a lad, very brash, by music journalists, but really she is very quietly spoken, doesn't shoot her mouth off, very intelligent and - she'll hate me for saying this - just very nice.
  • But what we have is quite enough to be going on with: a bracingly intelligent documentary that treats its audience like grown-ups and has the force and sinew of real history and real politics.
  • He's a bit weak in the top storey , ie not very intelligent.
  • Your readers may be independent, modern, logical, gorgeous, intelligent, strong-minded, post-feminist, business women, but they all still read horoscopes don't they?
  • A small Westernized intelligentzia with many internal feuds and doctrinal disputes struggled, not very effectively, in the larger towns to turn this merely insurgent Communism into modern and constructive paths after the Moscow pattern. The Shape of Things to Come
  • He was very intelligent, he came from Wales expecting to make something of himself... but he wasn't smarmy enough for the City. LOST CHILDREN
  • They are carving up wheat fields with ever more elaborate designs to impress upon us how intelligent they are.
  • But it was Oxlade-Chamberlain's intelligent movement, dextrous footwork on the left flank and composed finishing that warmed the hearts of the Arsenal supporters who gave him a standing ovation when he was withdrawn. Arsenal's Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is a natural, says Arsène Wenger
  • From the way they are built, but oftener from the way they are kept, and from no intelligent inspection whatever being exercised over them, they are almost invariably dens of foul air, and the "servants 'health" suffers in an "unaccountable" (?) way, even in the country. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • Far from being based in a biblical vision, the case for intelligent design seems to lead at best to a kind of deism.
  • Every now and then, an experience would serve as a reminder that intelligent marine mammals can be aggressive as well as friendly; that you must operate with respect in what is their patch.
  • Bruen is an impressive stylist and an intelligent, though not especially remarkable, writer.
  • The intelligent author of the "Treatise on British Birds" does not condescend to justify the right we claim to encage them; but he shows his genuine humanity in instructing us how to render happy and healthful their imprisonment. Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • I find the choice of words interesting - 'intelligentsia' is from the Russian I believe. Are You A Communitarian ?
  • It has the reeled-in pyrotechnics and the muted pacing of an intelligent spy film, but it doesn't have the smarts of one, and instead opts for a clichéd scenario and cast of characters.
  • He is intelligent on the pitch, can make good passes, assists for goals and score himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • So you are saying that the big difference between positing an intelligent designer to explain an anomaly and positing fairies is that former is done by IDists, while the latter is merely a caricature? Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
  • We can learn a lot from the World Cup just by studying how coaches and players adjust intelligently to suit the conditions and to suit opposing teams.
  • I have chatted with him and he seems to be educated, humorous and intelligent.
  • I knew that birding with such a diverse assemblage of people would be a challenge, but I also knew that they're all intelligent and appreciative folk.
  • They were physically tough and exquisitely beautiful, but also intelligent and as obedient as dogs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The play is one of the most potent amalgams of the Bard's keen psychological observation, tragic fatalism, and bitingly intelligent verbal and conceptual humor.
  • The urban traffic signal control system is the important part of Intelligent Transport System ( ITS ) .
  • During his playing days Jim would always be remembered as a classy, skilful, intelligent player.
  • Former colleagues of Usi describe him as intelligent, ambitious and volatile.
  • The paper also introduces detail a set of whole design Intelligent Traffic Signal System.
  • Johnny was extremely bright, scarily so; he was just so intelligent.
  • Her book is rich in intelligent surmise but thin on supporting evidence.
  • Nothing ever goes smoothly for the Little Einsteins, despite the fact that they have at their disposal Rocket, an artificially intelligent futuristic vehicle capable of morphing from a spaceship to a submarine to a mechanical jungle animal or whatever else the situation calls for. Archive 2009-04-05
  • We are just looking ahead, and trying to make an intelligent surmise about who will be the next leader of the country.
  • She has the mobile, expressive face of an intelligent, successful woman: but her limbs are helpless, twisted with painful spasms.
  • A talented writer with an insatiable curiosity and a legendary dedication to thoroughness, she was also incredibly intelligent and drop-dead gorgeous to boot.
  • The book is a riveting character study of a fiercely intelligent and insular man coming to terms with his sexuality.
  • Winner of impressive awards, their main mission is to constantly conduct research in order to come up with new and improved “intelligent solutions”. Awesome Sculptural Home in Somosaguas : Spain
  • It is a sign of our times, conspicuous to the coarsest observer, that many intelligent and religious persons withdraw themselves from the common labors and competitions of the market and the caucus, and betake themselves to a certain solitary and critical way of living, from which no solid fruit has yet appeared to justify their separation. Richard Geldard: In This Other America
  • Anderson restored the helicopter to intelligent control, brought back the power, and nursed us gently away from the trees.
  • My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. 
  • From the first voyage of Cartier onwards, Canada was called intermittently New France, and its possibilities were not lost sight of by a few intelligent Frenchmen on account of the fur trade. Pioneers in Canada
  • This approach does benefit the self-motivated and intelligent. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, if intelligent design is the popular choice, perhaps we should just get used to it.
  • No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson 
  • Rugged CPVC construction, large reference volume and intelligent positioning of internal elements combine to extend the service-life of these dependable and highly responsive sensors.
  • ZC 2000 intelligent station broadcasting equipment was introduced, including the composition, principle, trait and technological norm etc.
  • You're honest, reliable, trustworthy, intelligent, and very handsome as well.
  • They almost teach us a response to status anxiety that you could almost call intelligent misanthropy.
  • It is a sumptuous and intelligent film about love and thwarted ambition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. Bill Watterson 
  • And finally, despite my previous acceptance of evolutionary theory as ‘fact,’ I came to the realization that intelligent design, as a theory of origins, is no more religious, and no less scientific, than evolutionism … Think Progress » Sarah Palin calls global warming studies ‘snake oil science.’
  • Scotland will need industrious and intelligent defensive work to hold out against these giants. Times, Sunday Times
  • She looked to be in her early thirties, long blonde hair and intelligent, piercing green eyes.
  • But if, say, the chapter on palynology doesn't quite equip historians to go out and study fossil pollen themselves, it will at least enable them to talk intelligently with specialists who can.
  • My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. 
  • She's like a child grown in a pod on Mars: far too poised and intelligent to resemble any kid from our planet.
  • He is so intelligent that he always keeps ahead of his competitors.
  • The word intelligentsia was coined to describe the class of revolutionary thinkers who are at the center of Part II, Shipwreck. The Heart of the Matter: Wilson Versus the Rest
  • Her face was fixed on her, through the night; she was the creature who had escaped by force from her cage, yet there was in her whole motion assuredly, even as so dimly discerned, a kind of portentous intelligent stillness. The Golden Bowl — Complete
  • Freshly preened, perhaps, but not very intelligent. Matthew Yglesias » David Petraeus, Jew-Hater
  • It order to improving the temperature characteristic and aging drift characteristic of frequency marker, one intelligent compensating method and device is disclosed.
  • To admit that an opponent might be both honest and intelligent is felt to be intolerable.
  • Elephants are intelligent animals.
  • It pollutes and debases the debate in this country, making it harder for us to tackle our problems intelligently or to maintain a sense of commonality as a society. Evening Buzz: Racism Fueling the Anger at Pres. Obama?
  • The real problem was the fact that no intelligent debate on organised crime had taken place, he said.
  • Complex rhythms, echoes of soul, funk and reggae informed their intelligent punk pop. The Sun
  • In Delicious Chemistry the elements of restrained instrumentation, intelligent arrangement and superbly controlled vocals come together into a powerful compound.
  • They are always ready with an intelligent guess when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book was OK, a first-person narrative of a poor, intelligent, mixed-race young man, a "bodgie" - the Australian equivalent of a British "teddy boy" - leaving prison to little opportunity on the outside. What i'm reading
  • Where then is the danger of trusting these cases, which form allowedly a very large proportion, to the hands of an intelligent and well educated woman?
  • What you said was "If we're having trouble telling if an amoeba is intelligent it will scarcely affect our case. Bunny and a Book
  • Intellectually rational and emotionally intelligent people are the winners in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Part of what makes them so interesting is Mr. Gibbs's point of view, which was that of an unintellectual but highly intelligent playgoer who knew what he liked and was amply endowed with horse sense. He Knew What He Liked—Not Much
  • Likewise if Venter should intelligently design a synthetic organism it does not "disprove" the puddle theory. Better Bubbles
  • Fakery, fiction and actual recorded history swirl together in this intelligent and readable book.
  • If my conversational partner refuses to acknowledge the thing which is taken as a given, then s/he reveals theirself to be either ignorant and/or deceptive; and then intelligent and reasoned conversation is not possible. The difficulty of demonizing the Tea Partiers: less than six degrees of separation
  • It pleased me to know that he was a very good conversationalist, and was capable of holding intelligent conversation for more than two seconds.
  • My point is that generalizations like these: “I absolutely do not rule out the possibility that African Americans are, on average, genetically predisposed to be less intelligent,” andthis: The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
  • He lists his ideal mate as needing to be smart, intelligent, possessing a sense of humour and a well toned body.
  • Why she continues to receive press coverage bewilders me – unless it's because the press enjoys showing what an uneducated and unintelligent person she is! Obama brushes off Palin on nuclear deal
  • Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. Henry Ford 
  • All the other cable news netword deride John Stewart, but what they don't realize is that he is an incredibly intelligent person that has his finger on the pulse. --
  • The problem he had, he was extremely intelligent, very bright, but he had a face that was just past puberty.
  • Owing to the demand of more efficient technology about robot vision applications, the researches on intelligent pattern detection and recognition have been rapidly grown in recent years.
  • Gershwin was not a jazz musician; his music is not jazz, but his inherent sensitivity to African-American music allowed him to create music that was intelligently and rewardingly coloured by its textures and tonalities. Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue premieres at New York's Aeolian Hall
  • She is intelligent, eloquent, attractive, modest, and a strong advocate for her positions.
  • In fact, leaving aside the infinitesimally small world of math geniuses, there isn't any evidence that men are more intelligent than women, and no one seriously says so.
  • She provides copious notes and an astute introduction, offering an intelligently designed book that tells its own compelling story. The Times Literary Supplement
  • My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. 
  • At 14, Mary was ambitious, intelligent and outstandingly pretty.
  • Il futuro secondo Google e NASA: ci salveranno macchine più intelligenti di noi, RaiNews24 Singularity University: The Big News NASA Isn't Talking About - NASA Watch
  • The Long et al. (2003) paper was introduced in rebuttal to Behe and Minnich's arguments, and Pandas 'arguments, about information, which suggested that all functional sequence information in the DNA has an intelligent source, not just the origin of life. Casey Luskin on Kitzmiller & Information

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