Difference between oversimplification and oversimplify
- a simplification that goes too far (to the point of misrepresentation)
- an act of excessive simplification; the act of making something seem simpler than it really is
Oversimplification, misdescription and political posturing bring such assessment into disrepute.
In trying to characterize these roles, it is not easy to avoid oversimplification.
Calling it a gearbox is a vast oversimplification.
- simplify to an excessive degree
- make too simple
And again -- to oversimplify all the books mentioned (and not mentioned) as preachy, stereotypical and filled with ebonics, is truly offensive ...
But to claim that the administration is running the country is grossly to oversimplify the real situation.
And it is all too easy in such gatherings to oversimplify issues, to applaud our own outlook, and to dismiss the opinions of others, sometimes with more than a trace of sarcasm.