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How To Use Oversimplify In A Sentence

  • And again -- to oversimplify all the books mentioned (and not mentioned) as preachy, stereotypical and filled with ebonics, is truly offensive ... Debating Black Books
  • But to claim that the administration is running the country is grossly to oversimplify the real situation. The Government and Politics of France
  • And it is all too easy in such gatherings to oversimplify issues, to applaud our own outlook, and to dismiss the opinions of others, sometimes with more than a trace of sarcasm.
  • To be sure, the Kagans still overblow the political progress made by the Maliki government and oversimplify the intraShi'ite power struggle -- and are blithely innocent about the role of the Iranians in calming things down in Basra and Sadr city, but they are right about one important thing: the military situation in Iraq has improved so much that normally sober and pessimistic military and intelligence sorts are simply stunned. Progress in Iraq…and What To Do About It - Swampland -
  • Don't oversimplify the instructions
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  • He's clearly oversimplifying, but Fallon says the orbital cortex puts a brake on another part of the brain called the amygdala, which is involved with aggression and appetites. NPR Topics: News
  • To oversimplify, then, Galileo's telescopic observations of remote surfaces and of appearances he knew to be illusions were revelatory in a way that the Linceans' microscopic scrutiny of matters at hand could not be.
  • To describe all these people as refugees is to oversimplify the situation.
  • I'm also oversimplifying, but that's okay, because I'm not a phonologist or a phonetician.
  • There is reason to counter that such charges often oversimplify what each of them means by rational activity as well as the large share that both grant to passion in activating, directing, and facilitating rational enquiry. Attached to Reading: Mary Shelley's Psychical Reality
  • That's oversimplifying things in order to make good sound bites.
  • One should not oversimplify the situation.
  • At the risk of oversimplifying, the relevant questions can be gathered under three crude rubrics as the What, How, and Why questions.
  • To grossly oversimplify, if everyone rushed to the bank to withdraw cash due to a financial panic, there would not be enough money for everyday business.
  • This chapter shows how managers tend to oversimplify when they set objectives for the business.
  • One should not oversimplify the situation.
  • This may oversimplify what was a long and bumpy road, but the contrast with the past four years is remarkable.
  • My task has been to simplify the subject without oversimplifying, to distill without losing essence.
  • If you do not really look at something, it is easy to oversimplify it.
  • Don't oversimplify the problem
  • Sometimes writers oversimplify in one story and the simplification gets picked up as outright universal fact.
  • Not because she doesn't buy the theory of natural selection -- nearly every reputable biologist does -- but because the use of the term permits opponents of science to oversimplify and be "grossly misleading" in their criticisms of evolutionary theory. RELIGION Blog |
  • Second, cultural relativist arguments may oversimplify the complexity and fluidity of culture by treating culture as monolithic and moral norms within a particular culture as readily ascertainable.
  • To write down his success simply to brutality is to oversimplify. Dawkins, Hussein, and ALF
  • To describe all these people as refugees is to oversimplify the situation.
  • This is, of course, in addition to his unfortunate tendency to make ridiculously broad generalizations and radically oversimplify complex social and moral issues.
  • Even if people get the general impression right, they will often oversimplify the details.
  • Science works by drastically oversimplifying the world, cutting out everything that cannot be mathematized.
  • To be clear in a complex world, the rational linear communicator is forced to either ridiculously oversimplify a situation or disappear into mumbo-jumbo bizspeak. Shark Attack!
  • April 1st, 2008 at 7: 11 am house insurance broker says: house insurance broker mummies. oversimplify scripture doubtable! single Think Progress » Much bigger than the Dukestir.
  • But to claim that the administration is running the country is grossly to oversimplify the real situation. The Government and Politics of France

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