Difference between european and sepoy and sahib
- a native or inhabitant of Europe
- of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe
On arriving in Britain she found herself to be a virtual slave to Dunlop, who exhibited her to curious Europeans who were eager to view Baartman's steatopygous buttocks and genitalia.
Two years later she was omitted from the European squad that relinquished the trophy in Minnesota.
This sort of enamel work on a faceted metal body was copied from the enamelled European watches.
- formerly a term of respect for important white Europeans in colonial India; used after the name
After the ceremonial opening, a hymn should be read from the Guru Granth Sahib.
With Maugham it is a kind of stoical resignation, the stiff upper lip of the pukka sahib somewhere east of Suez, carrying on with his job without believing in it, like an Antonine Emperor.
* (* Teacher.) "The sahibs love their soldiers - and so the gora-cavalry broke Lal's string for him tonight!