Difference between chiropody and podiatry
- the branch of medicine concerned with the feet
Community based diabetes nursing, dietetics, and chiropody posts were unfilled.
It quickly expanded to provide a range of day care services, including chiropody.
Section twenty-one of said chapter one hun - dred and twelve, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word "chiropody" in the second line the word: — (podiatry), — so as to read as follows: — Section
- the branch of medicine concerned with the feet
- Provides a much broader range of services vital to an aging population including prescriptions, vision, hearing, dental, fitness, mental health, and alternative health benefits such as podiatry and chiropractic services.
Services on offer include podiatry, speech and language facilities, audiology and hearing therapy, and family planning.
The Government will spend $1.4 million on new health services such as diabetes education, physiotherapy, counselling, audiology, podiatry and community health in eleven Mid West shires.