Common mistake park way (parkway)

Common Grammar Mistakes

English grammar can be a tricky subject, and it's easy to make mistakes without even realizing it. In this article, we will explore some common mistakes that people often make when it comes to grammar.

Park Way (Parkway)

One common mistake is the incorrect spelling of "parkway." Many people tend to spell it as two separate words - "park way." However, the correct spelling is actually one word, "parkway." For example:

  • Incorrect: I took a stroll down the park way.
  • Correct: I took a stroll down the parkway.

By using the correct spelling, you can ensure that your writing is accurate and avoids any confusion.


Another common mistake is the incorrect spelling of "halfway." This word is often misspelled as two separate words - "half way." However, the correct spelling is actually one word, "halfway." For example:

  • Incorrect: We are only half way through the project.
  • Correct: We are only halfway through the project.

Remember to use the correct spelling to maintain the clarity and professionalism of your writing.


Lastly, the word "sideways" is often misspelled as two separate words - "side ways." However, the correct spelling is one word, "sideways." For example:

  • Incorrect: The car was parked side ways.
  • Correct: The car was parked sideways.

Using the correct spelling will help you communicate your ideas effectively and avoid any confusion or misinterpretation.

It's important to proofread your writing and double-check for these common mistakes. If you want an extra layer of assistance, consider using the Linguix grammar checker. It can help identify these errors and provide suggestions for improvement.

park way (parkway) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    His car parks in the drive way.

    His car parks in the driveway.

  • Correct:
    We live on Inverness Park Way, and used to live on Cedarspur a few years back.
  • Correct:
    You drive way too fast.
  • Correct:
    In the sky way too many clouds are seen.
  • Correct:
    You can run way faster than him.
  • Incorrect:
    He stopped half way down the passage.

    He stopped halfway down the passage.

  • Incorrect:
    Tom is only half way through doing that.

    Tom is only halfway through doing that.

  • Incorrect:
    We've reached the half way point of the season.

    We've reached the halfway point of the season.

  • Incorrect:
    The economy gets in trouble, people’s mental and emotional health goes side ways.

    The economy gets in trouble, people’s mental and emotional health goes sideways.

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