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Common mistake anymore (any more)

Anymore (Any More)

One common mistake in English grammar is confusing the use of "anymore" and "any more." While they may sound similar, they have different meanings and usage.


"Anymore" is used as an adverb and is commonly used in American English. It means "any longer" or "nowadays." It is usually used in negative sentences or questions to indicate a change in a situation.

  • I don't like coffee anymore. (I used to like it, but now I don't.)
  • They don't go to that restaurant anymore. (They used to go there, but now they don't.)
  • Do you play the piano anymore? (Did you use to play it, but now you don't?)

Any More

"Any more" can be used as an adverb or determiner. It is commonly used in British English. It refers to an additional or extra amount or number.

  • Do you have any more books? (Do you have additional books?)
  • He doesn't need any more help. (He doesn't need any extra help.)
  • Can I have some more cake? (Can I have an additional piece of cake?)

It's important to use these terms correctly to avoid confusion and ensure clear communication in both spoken and written English.

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anymore (any more) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    Do you need anymore information?

    Do you need any more information?

  • Incorrect:
    If the customers wanted anymore nice cakes, they could ask.

    If the customers wanted any more nice cakes, they could ask.

  • Incorrect:
    We won't miss anymore congestion revenue.

    We won't miss any more congestion revenue.

  • Incorrect:
    Anymore info regarding a pending release?

    Any more info regarding a pending release?

  • Incorrect:
    If you would like anymore (large or small) cakes, just ask.

    If you would like any more (large or small) cakes, just ask.

  • Incorrect:
    He claimed he didn't eat anymore "cakes and biscuits".

    He claimed he didn't eat any more "cakes and biscuits".

  • Incorrect:
    We know that anymore of the defects will cause ...

    We know that any more of the defects will cause ...

  • Incorrect:
    I don't know anymore about Japan than you do.

    I don't know any more about Japan than you do.

  • Incorrect:
    I don't know anymore about Japan; do you?

    I don't know any more about Japan; do you?

  • Incorrect:
    Let me know if you need anymore help.

    Let me know if you need any more help.

  • Incorrect:
    I don't want anymore kids.

    I don't want any more kids.

  • Correct:
    Do you need any more information?
  • Correct:
    We don't need this anymore.
  • Correct:
    We don't need that anymore.
  • Correct:
    Electricity is not cheap anymore
  • Correct:
    The car engine light is not on anymore.
  • Correct:
    Now I can't log in anymore because a dot is now prohibited.
  • Correct:
    The zoom-out function doesn’t work anymore (for the time being hopefully).
  • Correct:
    A new user cannot log on anymore to nextcloud.
  • Correct:
    No-one goes there anymore - it’s too crowded.
  • Correct:
    What was the purpose of that event (once upon a time it was mostly to show the clothes to US department store buyers - not anymore)?
  • Correct:
    We have a house full of Samsung devices and appliances and this has officially burnt me from buying ANYMORE!
  • Correct:
    ... that Jews can no longer be safe in the city anymore due to the risk of violent assaults.
  • Correct:
    Whoever reads light novels despite not being a kid anymore is a retard, don't you think?
  • Correct:
    Scholarships were not granted anymore to the same students this summer as last year.
  • Correct:
    An advantage of ageing is that one doesn't demand anymore the things that one failed to obtain...
  • Correct:
    Now I don't have anymore any certainty.
  • Correct:
    Tom didn't care anymore what happened to Mary.
  • Correct:
    We don't remember anymore where we placed our key.
  • Correct:
    Public morals are not respected anymore in this town.
  • Correct:
    There's not a single safe place anymore in Japan.
  • Correct:
    Those who send in old junk they don't use anymore will, without exception, receive a present.
  • Correct:
    Stop submitting the results, the test will not be completed anymore
  • Correct:
    If we see that your plan isn't a good fit anymore in the long run, we'd contact you.
  • Correct:
    (Includes old ones which might not be relevant any more).
  • Correct:
    Use the studio client again as it's not supported any more starting with the next version.
  • Correct:
    You don't have to take care of them anymore
  • Correct:
    This is the first day of the new “My hips don’t hurt anymore” routine.
  • Correct:
    There's no light anymore in here.
  • Correct:
    I don't see the graphs anymore at e.g.
  • Correct:
    I don't see it anymore on my webpage.
  • Correct:
    I don't see it anymore around here.
  • Correct:
    I can't identify anymore with him.
  • Correct:
    It seems the error isn't found anymore now.
  • Correct:
    The one that I can't live without anymore is LanguageTool.
  • Correct:
    Since he isn't happy anymore we should not stress him.
  • Correct:
    Now that this isn't an experimental setting anymore we should use translations for this (I think we have them already).
  • Correct:
    Windows 7 isn't supported anymore by Microsoft.
  • Correct:
    I literally can't work decently anymore without clipboard history.
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