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Common mistake have its (has its/have their)

Common Mistake: "Have its" vs "Have their"

One common mistake that often arises in writing is the incorrect use of the pronoun "its" or "their" when referring to a singular noun. Let's explore the correct usage of these pronouns to avoid confusion and inconsistency in your writing.

The Correct Usage of "Have its"

When a singular noun is the subject of a sentence or clause, it should be paired with the pronoun "its." This indicates that the noun possesses something or exhibits some characteristic:

  • The dog wagged its tail happily.
  • The car lost its tire on the highway.
  • The company is renowned for its excellent customer service.

In these examples, the pronoun "its" is used to show that the noun (dog, car, and company) possesses or has certain attributes.

The Correct Usage of "Have their"

On the other hand, when the subject of a sentence or clause is a plural noun, it should be paired with the pronoun "their." This indicates that the noun, being plural, possesses something or exhibits a particular characteristic:

  • The children raised their hands to ask a question.
  • The birds built their nests in the trees.
  • The students handed in their assignments on time.

In these examples, the pronoun "their" is used to show that the nouns (children, birds, and students) possess or have certain attributes as a collective group.

It's important to remember that "its" is used with singular nouns, while "their" is used with plural nouns. Using the correct pronoun helps maintain clarity and coherence in your writing.

Linguix grammar checker can be a valuable tool in identifying and correcting the use of "its" or "their" in your writing. It can save you time and help ensure that your sentences are grammatically accurate.

have its (has its/have their) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    Since Xyz have its new product, ....

    Since Xyz has its|have their new product, ....

  • Incorrect:
    Since Xyz have released its new product, ....

    Since Xyz has released its|have released their new product, ....

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