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Common mistake under appreciate (underappreciate)

Common Spelling Mistake: Under appreciate (underappreciate)

One of the most common spelling mistakes that people make is separating the words "under" and "appreciate" when they should actually be written as one word - underappreciate.

Here's why:

  • Underappreciate is a verb that means to not value or recognize someone or something enough. For example, "Don't underappreciate the effort she's putting into this project."
  • On the other hand, when you separate the words and say "under appreciate," it no longer carries the same meaning. Instead, it suggests a literal interpretation of being below average in terms of appreciation, which is not what you typically intend to convey.

So, next time you want to express that someone or something is not being valued enough, remember to write it as one word - underappreciate.

Using correct spelling and grammar is essential in written communication, whether it's for your professional work or personal messages. Making mistakes can undermine your credibility and cause confusion for your readers. Fortunately, there are tools available, such as Linguix grammar checker, that can help you spot and correct these common errors before you hit send or publish.

under appreciate (underappreciate) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    He under appreciates her skills.

    He underappreciates her skills.

  • Incorrect:
    They totally under stood the problem.

    They totally understood the problem.

  • Correct:
    Just add this under line 302.
  • Correct:
    I explained to her that we had been a customer under Rate No. 21 since July but only obtained access recently.
  • Correct:
    It is under estimate.
  • Correct:
    This is 12 % under estimate.
  • Correct:
    I wish to add something under mine.
  • Correct:
    It is displayed under rate plans.
  • Correct:
    It will go under rates.
  • Correct:
    For example, the planar graphs are closed under taking minors
  • Correct:
    Yes, we have been offering MarketPoint under stand alone commercial license for a few months.
  • Correct:
    Please look under Report/Utility/List contents.
  • Correct:
    You can find it in the calendar under rates and available slots.
  • Incorrect:
    The fish live under water.

    The fish live underwater.

  • Incorrect:
    There was a group of college under graduates.

    There was a group of college undergraduates.

  • Incorrect:
    Brazil once was an under developed country.

    Brazil once was an underdeveloped country.

  • Incorrect:
    It is an excellent book that covers using volume analysis, which I think is an under explored area of trading and investing.

    It is an excellent book that covers using volume analysis, which I think is an underexplored area of trading and investing.

  • Correct:
    Children under age 16 are very welcome.
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