
Common mistake missing 'be' in 'to able'

Common Mistake: The Missing "be" Verb in the Phrase "to be able"

Many English learners and even native speakers often make a common mistake when using the phrase "to be able." This mistake is the omission of the verb "be."

The Correct Usage

In English, when expressing the ability to do something, we typically use the phrase "to be able to." This phrase requires the verb "be" in its base form as part of the construction. The correct form is:

  • I am able to swim.
  • She was able to finish the project on time.
  • They will be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.

The Common Mistake

However, it is common for learners to drop the verb "be" in this phrase mistakenly. Here are some examples of the incorrect usage:

  • I able to swim. (Incorrect)
  • She was able finish the project on time. (Incorrect)
  • They will able to attend the meeting tomorrow. (Incorrect)

Why It's Important

The omission of the verb "be" in the phrase "to be able" can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Adding the verb "be" is crucial for grammatical correctness and clarity in your English communication.

Linguix Grammar Checker

To help you avoid this common mistake and many others, you can use the Linguix grammar checker tool. With its advanced algorithms and extensive language knowledge, it can detect and correct errors in your writing, ensuring that your English is accurate and polished.

missing 'be' in 'to able' mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    I need help in order to able to achieve this.

    I need help in order to be able to achieve this.

  • Incorrect:
    Absent that, we need to able to present majority and minority proposals.

    Absent that, we need to be able to present majority and minority proposals.

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