Common mistake There are thousands of add-on(s) available
Common Mistakes in English Grammar
English grammar can be quite tricky, and even native speakers often make mistakes. Whether you're a student, professional writer, or simply someone who wants to improve their English, it's essential to be aware of common grammar errors. In this article, we'll explore some of these mistakes and provide examples to help you understand and avoid them.
1. Subject-Verb Agreement
One of the most frequent errors is incorrect subject-verb agreement. This happens when the subject and verb in a sentence don't agree in number. For example:
- Incorrect: The group of students is going on a trip. (singular subject with a plural verb)
- Correct: The group of students are going on a trip. (plural subject with a plural verb)
2. Misuse of Apostrophes
Apostrophes are often misused, especially when it comes to possessives and contractions. Here are a couple of examples:
- Incorrect: The cat's ate my lunch. (improper use of apostrophe)
- Correct: The cats ate my lunch. (no need for an apostrophe)
- Incorrect: They're going to the movies. (mistaken contraction)
- Correct: They are going to the movies. (proper contraction)
3. Confusing Its and It's
The difference between "its" and "it's" often causes confusion. "Its" is used to show possession, while "it's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has." Take a look at the following examples:
- Incorrect: Its raining, so we brought our umbrellas. (missing apostrophe)
- Correct: It's raining, so we brought our umbrellas.
- Incorrect: The dog wagged it's tail. (improper use of apostrophe)
- Correct: The dog wagged its tail.
4. Run-on Sentences and Fragments
Run-on sentences occur when two or more independent clauses are incorrectly joined without proper punctuation. Fragments, on the other hand, are incomplete sentences. Let's see some examples:
- Incorrect: I woke up late I missed the bus. (run-on sentence)
- Correct: I woke up late, so I missed the bus. (correctly punctuated)
- Incorrect: Walking down the street. (fragment)
- Correct: I was walking down the street. (complete sentence)
Improve Your Grammar with Linguix Grammar Checker
If you are someone who frequently makes grammar mistakes, consider using a grammar checker tool like Linguix. Linguix is an advanced AI-based assistant that can help you identify and correct grammar errors in your writing. By using Linguix, you can significantly improve your grammar skills and produce error-free content in no time.
There are thousands of add-on(s) available mistake examples
Incorrect:There are thousands of add-on available.Correct:There are thousands of add-ons available.
Incorrect:The only industry in Aurangabad allured hundreds of craftsman.Correct:The only industry in Aurangabad allured hundreds of craftsmen.
Incorrect:Their patented "bioinformatics" technologies could save hundreds of person, for whom the drug will be designed to be nearly 100% effective.Correct:Their patented "bioinformatics" technologies could save hundreds of people|persons, for whom the drug will be designed to be nearly 100% effective.
Correct:Greenspan is pumping money anywhere from 5 to 20 billions of repo money in the system everyday.
Correct:There are hundreds of vehicle detailing videos on YouTube.
Correct:Our new Outlet Store is stocked with thousands of bargain CDs for as low as 99.
Correct:Bride prices of 50,000 to 300,000 baht have been documented, but bride prices can sometimes run into the tens of millions of baht.