Common mistake Singular verb after 'these' or 'those'
Singular verb after 'these' or 'those'
One common mistake that people often make is using a singular verb after the words 'these' or 'those' when referring to more than one thing. This grammar error can easily be corrected to make your writing more accurate and grammatically correct.
The Error:
When using the words 'these' or 'those' to refer to multiple objects, it is important to remember that the verb that follows should also be in the plural form. However, many people unintentionally use a singular verb, which creates a grammatical mistake.
The Correction:
To correct this mistake, simply use the plural form of the verb instead. For example:
- Incorrect: These is my favorite books.
- Correct: These are my favorite books.
- Incorrect: Those sounds like a good idea.
- Correct: Those sound like a good idea.
By using the correct plural form of the verb, you can ensure that your sentence is grammatically correct and clearly communicates your intended meaning.
Using Linguix Grammar Checker:
To avoid this mistake and other common grammar errors, you can utilize the Linguix Grammar Checker. This powerful tool will automatically correct your grammar mistakes and help you improve the overall quality of your writing.
Singular verb after 'these' or 'those' mistake examples
Incorrect:These includes the ring and the compass.Correct:This includes|These include the ring and the compass.
Correct:The most common of these is dot 5, which combines with the first letter of words.
Incorrect:Make sure that these two contains sufficient examples.Correct:Make sure that these two contain sufficient examples.
Incorrect:These three includes the battery and the instructions.Correct:These three include the battery and the instructions.
Correct:Make sure that these two contain sufficient examples.
Correct:The most common of these two live in arid regions.
Correct:Two is a cardinal number.
Correct:Between these two classes a struggle must go on until...
Correct:Although those four usually lives in dark places, other plants prefer sunshine.
Correct:These usually eats only vegetables, unlike their carnivorous cousins.
Correct:... but those four usually (if the software operates correctly) detects the problem.
Correct:Those two is nice.
Correct:These three is the most important.
Correct:Are you sure that these two was sufficient examples?
Correct:Those two are nice.
Correct:The most common of these two is on the outside.