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Common mistake Let + object

Common Mistake: Omitting the Object form of Pronouns after "Let"

When using the verb "let" in a sentence, it is important to use the object form of pronouns. This is a common mistake that many people make, but it can easily be corrected.

What is the Object form?

The object form of a pronoun is used when the pronoun is the object of a verb or a preposition. It is different from the subject form, which is used when the pronoun is the subject of a sentence or clause.

For example:

  • Incorrect: Let she go to the party.
  • Correct: Let her go to the party.

In the incorrect example, the subject form of the pronoun "she" is used after "let." However, the correct sentence uses the object form "her" because it is the object of the verb "let."

Other pronouns and examples

This rule applies to other pronouns as well:

  • Incorrect: Let we finish the project.
  • Correct: Let us finish the project.

In this example, the object form "us" is used after "let" because it is the object of the verb "let."

  • Incorrect: Let he take the lead.
  • Correct: Let him take the lead.

Similarly, in this example, the object form "him" is used after "let" because it is the object of the verb "let."

Remember, when using the verb "let," always use the object form of pronouns after it. This simple rule will help you avoid a common mistake and ensure grammatical correctness in your writing.

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Let + object mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    Let she do it!

    Let me|him|her|us|them do it!

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