Common mistake 'less' before comparative or superlative

Using 'less' before comparative or superlative

One common grammar mistake that many people make is using 'less' before a comparative or superlative form of an adjective or adverb. This improper usage can greatly affect the clarity and correctness of your writing. Let's explore this mistake in more detail.

Comparatives and Superlatives

Comparatives are used to compare two things, while superlatives are used to compare three or more things. In English, comparatives are formed by adding -er to the end of a one-syllable adjective (e.g., faster, taller) or by using 'more' before the adjective (e.g., more interesting, more intelligent) for longer adjectives. Superlatives are formed by adding -est to the end of a one-syllable adjective (e.g., fastest, tallest) or by using 'most' before the adjective (e.g., most interesting, most intelligent) for longer adjectives.

The Mistake: Using 'less' instead of 'lesser' or 'fewer'

The mistake occurs when 'less' is used incorrectly instead of 'lesser' or 'fewer' before a comparative or superlative form of an adjective or adverb. This mistake often happens because 'less' is commonly used in other contexts, such as comparing quantities or when describing the opposite of 'more'.

For example:

  • Incorrect: He is less taller than his brother.
  • Correct: He is shorter than his brother.
  • Incorrect: This book is less interesting than the previous one.
  • Correct: This book is less interesting than the previous one.

The Correct Usage

When comparing two things, the correct form is to use 'lesser' or 'fewer' before the comparative form of the adjective, or to rephrase the sentence altogether:

  • Correct: He is lesser tall than his brother.
  • Correct: He is not as tall as his brother.
  • Correct: This book is lesser interesting than the previous one.
  • Correct: This book is not as interesting as the previous one.

Using 'lesser' or 'fewer' in these contexts helps to maintain proper grammar and keep your writing clear and concise.

Grammar Checker: Linguix

One helpful tool for avoiding these grammar mistakes is the Linguix grammar checker. Linguix not only spots grammar errors but also provides real-time writing insights and suggestions for improvement. Whether you're a student, a professional writer, or someone who wants to improve their English language skills, Linguix can be a valuable assistant in achieving accurate and impactful writing.

'less' before comparative or superlative mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    This is less harder.

    This is less hard.

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