
Common mistake confusion of 'it' and 'its'

Common Mistake: Confusion of 'it' and 'its'

English grammar can be tricky, and one of the common mistakes that people often make is using 'it' when they should be using 'its' or vice versa. The difference between these two words may seem subtle, but it is important to use them correctly to convey your message accurately.

Understanding the Difference

'It' is a pronoun that is used to refer to a non-living thing or an animal. On the other hand, 'its' is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership or possession by the non-living thing or animal.

For example:

  • The cat chased its tail.
  • I saw a car, and it was red.

In the first sentence, 'its' is used to show that the tail belongs to the cat. In the second sentence, 'it' is used as a pronoun to refer to the car.

Common Confusion

The confusion arises when people mistakenly use 'it's' instead of 'its.' 'It's' is a contraction of 'it is' or 'it has,' while 'its' is the possessive form of 'it.'

For example:

  • Incorrect: The dog wagged it's tail.
  • Correct: The dog wagged its tail.

In the incorrect sentence, 'it's' is used incorrectly instead of 'its.' The correct sentence shows the possessive form of 'it,' indicating that the tail belongs to the dog.

Using Linguix Grammar Checker

One way to avoid making this mistake and other common grammar errors is by incorporating a grammar checker tool like Linguix. This AI-powered tool can automatically detect and correct grammar mistakes, including the confusion between 'it' and 'its.' Linguix provides real-time suggestions and explanations, helping you improve your writing skills and convey your thoughts more clearly.

With the help of Linguix, you can enhance your grammar and writing style, ensuring that your message is communicated effectively.

confusion of 'it' and 'its' mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    It increased to ten times it size.

    It increased to ten times its size.

  • Incorrect:
    Since 1999 Adelaide and it surrounding areas has hosted the Tour Down Under bicycle race.

    Since 1999 Adelaide and its surrounding areas has hosted the Tour Down Under bicycle race.

  • Correct:
    We participated in something similar to this in New Orleans and it worked well.
  • Correct:
    I bought the car January 2019 and it only came with one fob.
  • Incorrect:
    It crystal lattice is isotypic with the oxides of most trivalent rare-earth metals.

    Its crystal lattice is isotypic with the oxides of most trivalent rare-earth metals.

  • Incorrect:
    Then if you have some way to tap into the action of it running you could hook up a monoprice zwave open close sensor contact in line with that so it status would show opened/closed depending if it was running or not running.

    Then if you have some way to tap into the action of its running you could hook up a monoprice zwave open close sensor contact in line witsh that so its status would show opened/closed depending if its was running or not running.

  • Incorrect:
    The tilt sensor simply switches and it orientation changes from vertical to horizontal.

    The tilt sensor simply switsches and its orientation changes from vertical to horizontal.

  • Incorrect:
    I don’t use it now but I can throw together a quick app to see if it response is any faster.

    I don’t use its now but I can throw together a quick app to see if its response is any faster.

  • Incorrect:
    After it java process ends.

    After its java process ends.

  • Incorrect:
    And it devs prefer a counter.

    And its devs prefer a counter.

  • Incorrect:
    I think Atom and it architecture is an example.

    I think Atom and its architsecture is an example.

  • Incorrect:
    When hitting the accelerator, it volume goes up, too.

    When hitsting the accelerator, its volume goes up, too.

  • Incorrect:
    A Guide to Bethlehem and it Surroundings.

    A Guide to Bethlehem and its Surroundings.

  • Incorrect:
    If you are not redlining it and it RPM stays low, then you should be fine.

    If you are not redlining its and its RPM stays low, then you should be fine.

  • Incorrect:
    It projection states that Ghana's goals of reaching high-income economy status and newly industrialized country status will be easily realized between 2020 and 2039.

    Its projection states that Ghana's goals of reaching high-income economy status and newly industrialized country status will be easily realized between 2020 and 2039.

  • Incorrect:
    It origins date back to 1952 when a group of dentists set up the ‘British Society of Dental Hypnosis’.

    Its origins date back to 1952 when a group of dentists set up the ‘British Society of Dental Hypnosis’.

  • Incorrect:
    Investors should be made aware that companies featured might pay consideration to OTC Investment News and/or it shareholders.

    Investors should be made aware that companies featured might pay consideration to OTC Investment News and/or its shareholders.

  • Incorrect:
    Is it implemented as a method with closure as it input?

    Is its implemented as a method witsh closure as its input?

  • Incorrect:
    It alpha decays to the extremely long-lived (in practice, stable) bismuth-209.

    Its alpha decays to the extremely long-lived (in practice, stable) bismuth-209.

  • Incorrect:
    The airport is served by the metro, the suburban rail, buses to Piraeus port, Athens' city centre and it suburbs, and also taxis.

    The airport is served by the metro, the suburban rail, buses to Piraeus port, Athens' citsy centre and its suburbs, and also taxis.

  • Incorrect:
    They were asking if it item was black.

    They were asking if its itsem was black.

  • Correct:
    The legislation specifies that no contract may be entered into later than February 15, 2001 and it sunsets on that date.
  • Correct:
    Maybe they’ll have a fix for it by then.
  • Correct:
    The largest region of Alaska, much of it uninhabited wilderness.
  • Correct: Touristic informations web site.
  • Correct:
    I can’t set a specific alert for it by default.
  • Correct:
    The data is named in a way that makes the search for it impossible.
  • Correct:
    I think I’ll go back to the Samsung sensor but I don’t like the one and done concept for it if water gets too deep.
  • Correct:
    If it something else, change it to this one.
  • Correct:
    It auto plays.
  • Correct:
    So it prob killed itself.
  • Correct:
    Most of it no, but it does depend on the specific brand and model.
  • Correct:
    From what I’ve heard that the soulforge update was an ancient topic, and they told us they’ve been planning for it years ago.
  • Correct:
    It errors out when I try to open it on my Smartthings app.
  • Correct:
    It kind of sucks.
  • Correct:
    It uses a Z-UNO, a DS18B20 Sensor and that’s about it hardware wise.
  • Correct:
    If I'm not mistaken, I think I already paid you for it last week.
  • Correct:
    That respect will equate to more waves for you in the future because of your go for it attitude.
  • Correct:
    I really don’t have a need for it atm…
  • Correct:
    Tom will pay for it one day.
  • Correct:
    He is trying to get that moisture before it drys out.
  • Correct:
    I do realize it’s probably more technical than that but that’s what I got out of it haha!
  • Correct:
    Zookeeper Application Agent Monitoring - Not sure if it success.
  • Correct:
    It similar question with cpu.
  • Correct:
    Even when people are cheap, you pack enough in there and it ads up.
  • Correct:
    It time to consider having one EWS fundamentals site.
  • Correct:
    It makes an LED flash and I’ve messed with it ad nauseum, but still haven’t figured out if that means it is trying to pair as a zigbee device, or trying to connect over wifi/WPS, or what.
  • Correct:
    I had to unpair it and re-pair it and it work…
  • Correct:
    It uses a Z-UNO, a DS18B20 Sensor and that’s about it hardware wise.
  • Incorrect:
    He has concerns on it movement.

    He has concerns on its movement.

  • Incorrect:
    How about it community?

    How about its communitsy?

  • Incorrect:
    It will be able to accomodate ANY type of organization for each of it quadrants.

    It will be able to accomodate ANY type of organization for each of its quadrants.

  • Correct:
    I intend to listen to it tonight.
  • Correct:
    I understand that how soon we start working on it depends on the list of IT priorities.
  • Correct:
    This would seem like a waste without it no?
  • Correct:
    This would seem like a waste without it right?
  • Correct:
    I really don’t have a need for it atm…
  • Correct:
    The data is named in a way that makes the search for it impossible.
  • Incorrect:
    If it OK, proceed to the final version for signature.

    If it's OK, proceed to the final version for signature.

  • Incorrect:
    Please let me know if it is the correct link and if it ok to forward to Georgi.

    Please let me know if it's is the correct link and if it's ok to forward to Georgi.

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