Common mistake I have no (not) checked
Common Mistakes in English Grammar
English grammar can be a tricky subject, even for native speakers. Many of us make common mistakes without even realizing it. In this article, we will explore some of the most common grammar errors and provide examples to help you avoid them in your writing.
Mistake 1: Incorrect Negation
One common mistake is using "no" instead of "not" to create a negative sentence. For example:
- Incorrect: I have no checked my email yet.
- Correct: I have not checked my email yet.
When negating a verb, we use "not" to indicate the negation. So, in the above example, "not" should be used instead of "no" to form the negative sentence.
Mistake 2: Subject-Verb Agreement
Another common error is related to subject-verb agreement. This occurs when the subject and verb do not match in terms of number (singular or plural). Here's an example:
- Incorrect: The dog chase the ball.
- Correct: The dog chases the ball.
In this case, "chase" should be changed to "chases" to agree with the singular subject "the dog."
Mistake 3: Misusing Apostrophes
Apostrophes are often misused in English grammar, particularly when it comes to indicating possession. Here's an example:
- Incorrect: The book's are on the shelf.
- Correct: The books are on the shelf.
In the incorrect sentence, the apostrophe is incorrectly used before the "s," which indicates plural, not possession. The correct sentence does not need an apostrophe.
Mistake 4: Confusing Its and It's
The words "its" and "it's" are often confused, but they have different uses. Here's an example:
- Incorrect: Its a beautiful day.
- Correct: It's a beautiful day.
In this case, "it's" is a contraction of "it is" and should be used to indicate possession.
Linguix Grammar Checker
If you want to improve your English grammar and avoid these common mistakes, consider using a tool like Linguix Grammar Checker. This AI-powered tool can help you identify and correct grammatical errors, making your writing more polished and professional.
I have no (not) checked mistake examples
Incorrect:I have no been able to check it.Correct:I have not been able to check it.
Incorrect:I have no checked the results yet.Correct:I have not checked the results yet.
Incorrect:I read articles, but have no signed in for a long time.Correct:I read articles, but have not signed in for a long time.
Correct:It had no built in contextual framework or universe of discourse.
Correct:An issue,not often addressed here, is the fact that many residents really have no loved one for whom to wait.
Correct:Unfortunately Apple News has no built in keyboard shortcut.
Correct:He had no thought of becoming a teacher.