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Common mistake These are some of the affects (effects) we've seen

Common Grammar Mistakes: Affects vs. Effects

Grammar can be a tricky thing, and even the most experienced writers can make mistakes from time to time. One common mistake that often causes confusion is the incorrect usage of "affects" and "effects." While they may sound similar and are sometimes used interchangeably in casual conversation, they have different meanings and uses.


"Affects" is most commonly used as a verb and is used to describe the influence or impact that something has on someone or something else.

  • Example sentence: The rainy weather affects my mood, making me feel gloomy.
  • Example sentence: The teacher's feedback affects how students perceive their performance.


"Effects" is most commonly used as a noun and refers to the result or outcome of a cause.

  • Example sentence: The effects of pollution on the environment are detrimental.
  • Example sentence: The medication has some side effects that you should be aware of.

It's important to note that "effect" can also be used as a verb, but it is less common and has a different meaning. As a verb, "effect" means to bring about or cause something to happen.

  • Example sentence: The new policy is designed to effect positive change in the workplace.
  • Example sentence: The CEO's leadership has effectively effected a company-wide transformation.

Now, you might be wondering how to remember the difference between "affects" and "effects." A handy tip is to associate "affects" with the word "action." Since "affects" is a verb, it implies an action or influence. On the other hand, "effects" can be associated with the word "end result" as it is a noun and refers to the outcome or consequence of something.

While it's easy to make mistakes with these words, with a little practice, you'll become more confident in using them correctly. If you're still unsure, consider using a reliable grammar checker like Linguix to help you catch and correct such errors.

These are some of the affects (effects) we've seen mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    These are some of the affects the gaming industry has seen over the past few years.

    These are some of the effects the gaming industry has seen over the past few years.

  • Incorrect:
    This is an affect that the gaming industry has seen over the past few years.

    This is an effect that the gaming industry has seen over the past few years.

  • Correct:
    This affects batteryReports, wakeUpNotifications, and the function of association groups.
  • Correct:
    The goal I'd like to achive, is to only show released and not yet archived versions in the Affects Version/s Field in JIRA Service Desk Customer Portal.
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