Common mistake a infinitive

Common Mistakes in English Grammar

Good grammar is essential for effective communication in English. However, even the most experienced writers and speakers can make some common mistakes. In this article, we will discuss a few of these mistakes and provide you with tips on how to avoid them.

Using the Wrong Form of a Verb

One of the most common mistakes is using the wrong form of a verb. For example:

  • Incorrect: I have to went to the store.
  • Correct: I have to go to the store.

In this example, the verb "went" is the past tense of "go." However, in the sentence, we need to use the infinitive form of the verb, which is "go."

Another common mistake is using a verb as a noun without proper conversion:

  • Incorrect: He has a good swim.
  • Correct: He is a good swimmer.

In this case, the verb "swim" should be converted to the noun form "swimmer."

Confusing "Your" and "You're"

Another common mistake is confusing the words "your" and "you're." The word "your" is a possessive pronoun, while "you're" is a contraction of "you are." Here is an example:

  • Incorrect: Your going to the party tonight, right?
  • Correct: You're going to the party tonight, right?

By using the correct form, "you're," we are indicating that the person will be going to the party.

Spelling Errors

Spelling errors are also common in English writing. Here is an example:

  • Incorrect: I am a proffesor at the university.
  • Correct: I am a professor at the university.

In this case, the word "professor" is misspelled as "proffesor." Proofreading your work carefully can help you identify and correct spelling errors.

About Linguix Grammar Checker

Linguix Grammar Checker is a useful tool that can help you spot and correct these common grammar mistakes. It can check your writing for errors in verb usage, spelling, punctuation, and more. Using Linguix can help improve your writing skills and ensure that your content is error-free.

a infinitive mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    This is a compete catastrophe, I think.

    This is a competed|a complete|a compote catastrophe, I think.

  • Incorrect:
    a compete

    a competed|a complete|a compote

  • Incorrect:
    A restructure of the DPC's stakeholding may also be on the agenda.

    A restructured of the DPC's stakeholding may also be on the agenda.

  • Incorrect:
    ... the club managed to a bring their total revenue up to € 54 million euros.

    ... the club managed to a Brine|a Briny|a being|a boring|a brine|a briny their total revenue up to € 54 million euros.

  • Incorrect:
    My grandmother Mimi (mom's mom) had a stoke on Monday.

    My grandmother Mimi (mom's mom) had a Smoke|a Stone|a smoke|a stoked|a stone|a store|a stove on Monday.

  • Incorrect:
    Let me know if Ic an be of assistance.

    Let me know if Ic an BS|an Bi|an Re|an bed|an bet|an bi|an by|an bye|an pe|an re of assistance.

  • Incorrect:
    Might be overkill for your current needs, but worth a send.

    Might be overkill for your current needs, but worth a Sand|a Seed|a sand|a seed|a sent.

  • Incorrect:
    Each direction has a working fiber and a protect fiber in each direction.

    Each direction has a working fiber and a project|a protest fiber in each direction.

  • Incorrect:
    More seat pitch, better seat width and a recline of a full 180 degrees is offered.

    More seat pitch, better seat width and a decline|a reclined of a full 180 degrees is offered.

  • Incorrect:
    At Intel's first and blend" financing of a reduced rate increase and (2) an extend and blend product with financed rate reduction embedded in a collar.

    At Intel's first and blend" financing of a reduced rate increase and (2) an extent and blend product with financed rate reduction embedded in a collar.

  • Incorrect:
    The markets were great in 98 and 99 with the first annuities that we made an invest in.

    The markets were great in 98 and 99 with the first annuities that we made an incest in.

  • Correct:
    Only a reload of the page will fix this. []
  • Correct:
    This is a complete catastrophe, I think.
  • Correct:
    Let's have a listen to what he wants to say
  • Correct:
    He had a listen.
  • Correct:
    a show
  • Correct:
    We don't have time for a refactor: we're shipping in two weeks.
  • Correct:
    Sections 4.a and 5.a are not correct.
  • Correct:
    ...Dutch sailor Jan van Riebeeck establishes a resupply camp that eventually becomes Cape Town.
  • Correct:
    The lynch mob was coming to town to kill all enemies.
  • Correct:
    How do I get a redeem code?
  • Correct:
    A startle response.
  • Correct:
    He pulled a stun gun.
  • Correct:
    Let angle A be x.
  • Correct:
    Vitamin C and A are almost the same.
  • Correct:
    A context menu is a menu in a graphical user interface that appears upon user interaction, such as a right-click mouse operation.
  • Correct:
    In the U.S.A be the best.
  • Correct:
    What is a Parse Error?
  • Correct:
    It was an inter- or multidisciplinary act.
  • Correct:
    ... but prefer to wait until early 2002 with the next reduction in the refinance rate.
  • Correct:
    Python provides the bisect module.
  • Correct:
    It has been awhile since we put the mail feedbag on and had a munch.
  • Correct:
    AI and AN are also in line for this constructive disruption.
  • Correct:
    It was an inter- or multidisciplinary act.
  • Correct:
    An Obey spokesman said panel Democrats are working with Republicans to...
  • Correct:
    Let a be the edge-length of a uniform antiprism.
  • Correct:
    If the ratio a'/a be sufficiently constant, as is often the case...
  • Correct:
    ... and Omnibus Amendment for McGarrett A are clean and (ii) the Series Certificates and ...
  • Correct:
    An excel attachment to the order details the Staff findings.
  • Correct:
    In Fido's heyday, sending a Netmail message to a user on a distant...
  • Correct:
    Someone in his group may have a Confirm sheet with the details on it.
  • Correct:
    ... against Microsoft's ActiveX technology, changing personal data in a Quicken database.
  • Correct:
    ... the Newport Pagnell plant rolled out the last of nearly 13,000 cars made there since 1955, a Vanquish S.
  • Correct:
    As I do not have any details of this deal, I cannot comment on the need for a carve out of margining rights.
  • Correct:
    CD-R is a Write Once Read Many (WORM) optical medium.
  • Correct:
    Both Alice and Bob have arrived at the same value, because (ga)b and (gb)a are equal mod p.
  • Correct:
    The important thing is that we don't use this information as a be all and end all test of whether we take on a candidate or not.
  • Correct:
    The absorption peaks of chlorophyll a are at 665 nm and 465 nm.
  • Correct:
    The player may lay odds on a don't come bet, just like a don't pass bet.
  • Correct:
    Conversely, you can take back (pick up) a don't pass or don't come bet after the first roll.
  • Correct:
    The Twelver Shi'a do not view Abu Bakr's being with Muhammad...
  • Correct:
    If we need to establish an accept/decline box I'd recommend...
  • Correct:
    Simply book an Excite Travel Vacations package by October 31, 2001.
  • Correct:
    Smith's bill would ban the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether, an oxygenate used in 85 percent of reformulated gasoline.
  • Correct:
    ... will be speaking to all the creditors with a view to reaching an inter creditor arrangement on repayment of the debt.
  • Correct:
    I won't be able to drink a beer with you as a send off, but perhaps we can have one in London.
  • Correct:
    He sustained the injury while chasing down a lose ball in the fourth quarter.
  • Correct:
    We invite you to come an have a look.
  • Correct:
    I will make the revisions as noted an send the agreement to you for execution.
  • Correct:
    It will take FERC a month or so to approve, but we expect it to be approved an be applied retroactively to December 14, 2000.
  • Correct:
    This is a don't worry, be happy, thing.
  • Correct:
    We had a do at the weekend, to celebrate the ...
  • Correct:
    After that, then it may be a do able item.
  • Correct:
    Take care a do not worry about looks.
  • Correct:
    After a week, a thieve(s) also stole my new car.
  • Correct:
    ... the states within the slot of width a are highly constrained so that the energy E of...
  • Correct:
    ... and the p-heights of the elements of A are finite for each p, then A is isomorphic to a direct sum of finite cyclic groups.
  • Correct:
    In the International Phonetic Alphabet, variants of A denote various vowels.
  • Correct:
    The way these are booked now indicates that a confirm will need to be generated between the two.
  • Correct:
    Someone in his group may have a confirm sheet with the details on it.
  • Correct:
    This is a late payment provision and as such a believe that the provision should be more than...
  • Correct:
    Research will a contribute a resource to the Trading Algorithm effort, presumably one at this point in time.
  • Correct:
    Please allow one to two business days for a respond.
  • Correct:
    He said we would need either a parent guarantee or a prepay to transact with occidental energy marketing.
  • Correct:
    The open e and back a are often indicated in writing by the use of the letters "alaph"...
  • Correct:
    ... because if a1, a2, …, an are the elements of F, then the polynomial (x − a1)(x − a2) ··· (x − an) + 1 has no zero in F.
  • Correct:
    Many of them that end in -a are feminine.
  • Incorrect:
    ... and Enron about the tell Joann we had incurred several days of penalties.

    ... and Enron about to tell|the fell|the tall|the well Joann we had incurred several days of penalties.

  • Incorrect:
    In some brands, the expectorate is stained, so that one can see the bacteria and debris.

    In some brands, to expectorate|the expectorated is stained, so that one can see the bacteria and debris.

  • Correct:
    ... and Enron about to tell Joann we had incurred several days of penalties.
  • Correct:
    This test was done by sending the Netmail message to a user.
  • Correct:
    The adapt_image.png
  • Correct:
    What the eff?
  • Correct:
    For the merge processes to be faster, we must...
  • Correct:
    ... that script the way abecedary derives from Latin a be ce de.
  • Correct:
    The add/drop transaction is not final until the changes have been processed
  • Correct:
    Okay, so I guess we add "merchandize" to the prohibit.txt?
  • Correct:
    The website.
  • Correct:
    Please use the website.
  • Correct:
    The remain campaign.
  • Correct:
    The vex robotics.
  • Correct:
    Flush the write buffer.
  • Correct:
    Vitamin C and A are almost the same.
  • Correct:
    The restore of our backup failed.
  • Correct:
    In the U.S.A be the best.
  • Correct:
    When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer
  • Correct:
    Check out the send to a friend feature next to each article.
  • Correct:
    ... but prefer to wait until early 2002 with the next reduction in the refinance rate.
  • Correct:
    ... Skyler Jett, replaced Lionel Richie as the co-lead singer for The Commodores.
  • Correct:
    "Mount" Megiddo is not actually a mountain, but a tell (a hill created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot).
  • Correct:
    We need to effectively adjust the write down of the asset to reflect what we truly believe is collectible.
  • Correct:
    Provide Suzanne with the headcount for the confirm/settlements program on May 5th.
  • Correct:
    Policy on the Concur Expense home page under the Company Links section.
  • Correct:
    ... and the do last night was great.
  • Correct:
    ... and within a week the thieve(s) ordered an expensive monthly cell phone package.
  • Correct:
    Here the are again the sums of powers of differences from the mean.
  • Correct:
    The believe it is at a minimum half a million, maybe more.
  • Correct:
    ... and sorting of entire data can be obtained in the conquer phase by merging the segments.
  • Correct:
    ... into multiple sub problems and so the conquer stage will be more complex than decrease and conquer algorithms.
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