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son vs daughter




  1. the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus)


Richardson, are proprietors of shows, and the berouged, bedraggled creatures who exhibit on the platform outside for their living.

Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.

Blackpool Scorpions notched their first away win of the season against a good attacking Leigh team.

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  1. a female human offspring


She would have taken a great deal of trouble that her daughters might not be a flounce behind the fashions, and was so far-seeing in her motherly anxieties, that she junketed herself and Major Buller to many an entertainment, where they were bored for their pains, that the extensive acquaintance might ensure to the girls partners, both for balls and for life when they came to require them.

As a postscript to the story, my great grandfather died a few weeks after this conversation, proving, as his wife pointed out to her daughter, that she had been correct in her surmise.

Upstairs were the bedrooms; “mother-and-father’s room” the largest; a smaller room for one or two sons, another for one or two daughters; each of these rooms containing a double bed, a “washstand, ” a “bureau, ” a wardrobe, a little table, a rocking-chair, and often a chair or two that had been slightly damaged downstairs, but not enough to justify either the expense of repair or decisive abandonment in the attic.

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