modern vs ancient vs old
- used of a living language; being the current stage in its development
Benecken characterized the entire hacking case as "ultramodern" and said that, in a way, it exemplified the "downside" of today's digital age "that can easily been taken advantage of by savvy youths with those skills and a lot of time.
This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11
This textbook provides a modern and accessible introduction to magnetohydrodynamics.
- very old
- belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire
- a very old person
- a person who lived in ancient times
I lashed the clothes that I had been brought to wear at the hospital into the bag, a couple of ancient pairs of socks that felt suddenly found and familiar.
Two workboats, ancient battered things with rusting plates, shouldered into it from either side like a couple of drunks supporting a comatose companion.
Botanical species in this ancient ecosystem included sagebrush, bluegrass, sedges, and herbs.