husband vs wife




  1. use cautiously and frugally


  1. a married man; a woman's partner in marriage


In a landmark case/decision, the Governor pardoned a woman convicted of killing her husband, who had physically abused her.

After her husband died, Mary tried to kill herself.

My husband wants to know what kind of millage it gets.

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  1. a married woman; a man's partner in marriage


A few days after, they brought the intelligence that Barbarina had returned; and the councillor dwelt with her in her new house; and the servants were commanded to call the signora Madame Cocceji. as she was his well-beloved and trusted wife.

A letter to his wife in 1847 tells of a visit to the Brights at Rochdale; how 'John and I discorded in our views not a little', and how 'I shook peaceable Brightdom as with

As a postscript to the story, my great grandfather died a few weeks after this conversation, proving, as his wife pointed out to her daughter, that she had been correct in her surmise.

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