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How To Use Husband In A Sentence

  • In a landmark case/decision, the Governor pardoned a woman convicted of killing her husband, who had physically abused her.
  • After her husband died, Mary tried to kill herself.
  • My husband wants to know what kind of millage it gets. Sunday Sweets: You "Auto" Watch
  • It was a smile Elizabeth had never seen on her husband's face before; one so full of love and tenderness that her heart melted.
  • Not lords nor proletariats nor bishops nor husbands nor co-respondents nor virgins nor adultresses nor uncles nor noses. Touch and Go
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  • When they met she was happily married to her first husband Laurie Brown, a member of Manchester United's back-room staff.
  • The position of the respondent husband may also be briefly stated.
  • Mrs King is being supported by her husband Simon, a police inspector with Wiltshire Constabulary, who is also a seasoned runner.
  • Naturally, her husband was very pleased and only too happy to oblige with the ‘work.’
  • Aggie and her husband Pat were farming people who tilled the land, harvested the crops and raised livestock.
  • In the future, fights and disagreements between husbands and wives will simply result in the immediate end of their marriages.
  • By "tares" is meant, not what in our husbandry is so called, but some noxious plant, probably darnel. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • She was condemned to hang for killing her husband.
  • Marriage documents were signed, felicitations offered, they sat down to a great banquet, and the new bride lay in her husband's lap... Elizabeth Abbott: Is New York's Gay Marriage Truly Historic?
  • The husband is required to return these assets to the wife at the end of the marriage; should the woman be divorced or should the husband predecease the wife, these assets return to her and she is to be compensated for any damage caused to them. Marriage.
  • As she enters her 40s with a new husband and two stepchildren, she isn't longing for the days of her youth and hopes other women aren't either.
  • Marie has an active fantasy life, and the imaginings of the specter of her husband seem to be just the start of her mind's wandering.
  • She introduced him as her future husband.
  • If you don't know my husband I should mention here that he's what you'd probably call a picky eater. Scribbit | A Blog About Motherhood in Alaska
  • I've followed this story from the time Blaise and her boyfriend went galavanting around Marseilles, when you and your husband were desperately trying to find them both and fearing the worst. Une plaie - French Word-A-Day
  • She and her late husband Jack, who died 20 years ago, took up bowls together.
  • He's intelligent, witty, a loving husband, and an excellent cook into the bargain.
  • By the way, my husband's theory is that Mexicans put chile on everything because their tastebuds are ruined from so many years of such "picante" food that nothing tastes like anything to them without chile. Something I just can't get used to
  • After the merciful demise of her husband in 1842 her activities became less camouflaged and in the 1850s she was involving herself in the serf problem.
  • My daughter and husband bicker constantly - should I take his side and risk spoiling my relationship with her? Times, Sunday Times
  • She sold the house soon after her husband died.
  • The boat was captained by Bob and his wife, Mary, whose mission was to feed everyone up until they matched her husband's giant proportions.
  • * I wonder how much of this has to do with their positions (obviously Edwards had a mind like few others, but one has to take into account also that he husbanded and cultivated that gift responsibly): Edwards was a public man in his capacity as a pastor; can it be said that Whitefield was only a pastor in his capacity as a public man? from → Observations The Sage of Northampton « Unknowing
  • The effect of my statement upon my husband was terrible to behold. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • Quinn herself was keen to have the first test - a matter of weeks after William's birth - because she and her husband were undergoing fertility treatment at the time the child was conceived.
  • My husband is a banker with a very demanding schedule.
  • I wonder if IT support men really are house husbands who work from home?
  • This is consistent with patrilocal residency patterns-the remittance goes to the husband's family, from both of them.
  • My husband, who's Konkani, can have daali thoi every day, if given a choice! Comfort Food - Daali Tauy
  • Dr Archer was memorably described as "fragrant" by Mr Justice Caulfield during her husband's 1987 libel trial against the Daily Star. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • She was overcome with grief when her husband died.
  • But the 38-year-old house husband proved he has an eye for a bargain by claiming a basketful of prizes worth thousands of pounds.
  • Bena and her husband, a condescending, philandering doctor named Ted, arrive in Pueblo, Colo., in the midst of a drought, as well as the Depression. As The Pages Turn
  • To have shown it to her husband would have been her first impulse; but, besides that he was absent from home, and the matter too delicate to be the subject of correspondence by an indifferent penwoman, Mrs. Butler recollected that he was not possessed of the information necessary to form a judgment upon the occasion; and that, adhering to the rule which she had considered as most advisable, she had best transmit the information immediately to her sister, and leave her to adjust with her husband the mode in which they should avail themselves of it. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The fact is, these very welcome props to Mildred Loving and her husband Richard are deeply, abidingly, and intrinsically progressive values. Evan Derkacz: Historical Revisionism Jujitsu: Religious Right Celebrates End of Interracial Marriage Ban
  • The plot turns on whether Ilsa will choose her lover or her husband.
  • You say are also under financial pressure given your husband's unemployment, which is stressful and causes resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • My late husband was from the Midwest St. Louis and always used the 'drouth' pronunciation. - News
  • Her husband was a violent man.
  • Just before the funeral, the undertaker came up to the elderly widow and asked: ‘How old was your husband?’
  • The wife wept out her grief to her husband.
  • About flaws, failings, and sins in your life that perhaps only your husband know and see? Christianity Today
  • During the divorce proceedings the husband got his assistant to front for him at the office.
  • We had many family quarrels about it, and they began in time to grow up to a dangerous height; for as I was quite estranged form my husband (as he was called) in affection, so I took no heed to my words, but sometimes gave him language that was provoking; and, in short, strove all I could to bring him to a parting with me, which was what above all things in the world I desired most. Moll Flanders
  • She praised her husband for the tremendous support he had given her.
  • Your husband needs to relax before he hits the sack.
  • Peggy Perez-Olivo murder 11 / 18 / 06 Millwood, NY * husband Carlos arrested and charged with her murder* Bonnie's Blog of Crime
  • But she also comes across as a humourless frump, needing constant cajoling from her husband to stay afloat.
  • Her husband's left her and the kids are running wild, so it's not surprising that she can't cope.
  • The Committee is comprised of scientific experts with experience in a variety of disciplines such as animal husbandry, animal behaviour, bacteriology, clinical medicine, epidemiology, parasitology and virology.
  • I am a 63-year-old woman whose husband of 31 years has left her for a younger number. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nancy has offered me a choice: of the dozen or so birds of prey she and her falconer husband keep on their rural New Hampshire property, I could work with Jazz or with Emma, the lanner falcon. Birdology
  • There have been a few teething problems, sorted out by a computer whiz-kid friend of my husband and - embarrassingly - my eight-year-old daughter.
  • But sharper than all these impressions rang the words of the worldly-wise Higbee: _ "She's hunting night and day for a rich husband; she tries for them as fast as they come; she'd rather marry a sub-treasury -- she'd marry me in a minute -- she'd marry_ YOU; _but if you were broke she'd have about as much use for you .... The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • She currently resides in Virginia with her husband, daughter, and a mighty clowder of cats.
  • We salute his many accomplishments as an astronaut and as a husband and father.
  • Under apartheid she and her husband enjoyed vast protection and sheltered employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • From what you have just told me, your mother has got the idea, that your husband is what is called a complaisant husband.” Maigret and the Old Lady
  • Her first book was dedicated to Christopher, but this latest work is for Nick and Billy - younger sons of Sarah and her husband, David.
  • She put on a histrionic display of grief at her ex-husband's funeral.
  • He was a loving husband and devoted father. The Sun
  • The bourgeois family model with its breadwinning husband and dependent wife and children was thus believed to secure male work incentives.
  • “there was a clatter in the country, that her husband and her were ower sibb when they married.” The Antiquary
  • My kitchen sink view is to the north, up the hill that crests our property, to a small apple orchard and the run my husband put up for our dogs (we call it their "playpen" and whenever they hear that word, they go crazy!) Posy
  • Lady Macbeth has nothing personal against the men, women and children she must destroy to clear her husband's way to power - her purposefulness is pure.
  • The strict regime of the marriage vows broke my marriage and my husband became a person who seemed to change overnight.
  • My husband had to return by taxi and we were left for two days without a car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shizuko is a famous tango dancer and deferential wife, who is kidnapped by yakuza as payment for her businessman husband's debts.
  • The Financial Services Authority has a statutory remit to coax punters into greater awareness about husbanding their dosh.
  • I'm normally a light sleeper, so it was a surprise that the husband was the first to notice this.
  • She refused to allow the exhibition of her husband's work.
  • While sitting in a coffee shop, we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.
  • I recognize you now.You are Mary's husband.
  • The court heard how she and her lover hatched a plot to kill her husband.
  • I find that a heated bedwarmer and a microwaveable teddy bear go a long way to replace a missing husband. Left Behind
  • Mary Torres, of Ratcliffe Street, York, nervously watched the game with her Argentine husband Pablo and four-year-old son Nico, who worships the South American side.
  • She does strange things, talks to herself and has become abusive to her husband. The Sun
  • For Maasai to remain ‘people of the cattle,’ livestock husbandry must continue as the core feature of a diversified livelihood.
  • I just want them to admit what they have done and apologise for causing the death of my husband.
  • You can also trim the strips to fit; I tackle my husband's unibrow with them.
  • Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache. The Younger Set
  • Her husband had no choice but to agree with that most patriotic of statements.
  • We know from her letters that Frances destroyed the original, so that it would not injure her husband's reputation.
  • Her ex-husband sounds like an absolute swine.
  • There has been a vast improvement in my husband. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today is your birthday,my darling.I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks for what you have done.Thank you for your cares and understanding and the at support you offer me when I need it.A whole of love to my dear husband.
  • My husband was a research chemist working on propellants - a real rocket scientist.
  • A British woman who tried to arrange the contract killing of her husband was jailed for five years on Wednesday.
  • My husband and I don't eat red meat or chicken; my parents, who do, call us ‘vegetarians.’
  • French language (a thing indispensable to the happiness of married life), piano-playing (a thing wherewith to beguile a husband’s leisure moments), and that particular department of housewifery which is comprised in the knitting of purses and other Dead Souls
  • Oh, and I am a chairborne ranger, and as my husband likes to say ‘secretary’.
  • Husband and wife should switch roles occasionally.
  • Her husband felt ashamed at her behaviour.
  • They said that her husband used to knock her about but they had never heard her complain.
  • Through their intimate portrayal of the daily struggles of Natividad Nata, her husband Daniel and their children, we discover the true face of hardship, but also Nata's courage and resilience and her family's unfaltering love and unity. E. Nina Rothe: The Human Rights Watch Film Festival Digs Deep, Asks the Hard Questions
  • As the ineffectual lawyer/husband, Wilson fades into the scenery like an attendant lord.
  • The Norwegian Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's charge d'affaires on Thursday to protest against what it called the confiscation of Ebadi's Nobel medal and diploma and express 'grave concern' about the treatment of her husband. Khaleej Times : UAE News
  • Being forced to do both farm and household work, she is torn between her self-esteem and her husband's chauvinistic attitude.
  • MacTavish Mhor, wished in her heart that the stern old carlin had been burnt on the day her husband had his due. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • She'sbeen told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison.
  • I am still friends with my ex-husband who takes it on himself to be my personal agony aunt.
  • If you ask about her husbands (two of them) or any of her other men, Sandee says woof woof. GRACED LAND
  • It's common gossip in the office that she's about to leave her husband.
  • The doctor informed us that the formula containing these homeostatic nutrients was not yet available to the public, but agreed to give my husband and me some sample bottles if we would report to him our results.
  • The tankard was a wedding gift from her husband, and a Dutch wedding scene is graven on the lid. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • She bitterly resented the fact that her husband had been so successful.
  • She was having a romantic liaison with her husband's best friend.
  • Women pawned their husbands suits every week just to get money for food.
  • Even in midwinter, in the icy church, the blushing bride would throw aside her broadcloth cape or camblet roquelo and stand up clad in a sprigged India muslin gown with only a thin lace tucker over her neck, warm with pride in her pretty gown, her white bonnet with ostrich feathers and embroidered veil, and in her new husband. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • With women finding themselves pushing their way up the social ladder, husbands are now okay with playing the perfect foil.
  • At Sardhana, gifted to them by Shah Alam II, they established a multicultural court where the Begum ruled for 50 years after her husband's death.
  • Just then, her bleary eyed, pajamaed husband Wilford Brimley walks in with a plate of pie. Y’all need backup? | clusterflock
  • He took off his hat as a mark of respect for her dead husband.Sentence dictionary
  • Upon the death of a husband, a widow chooses a husband from among the dead man's brothers.
  • Her husband, on the other hand, wears sombre tones of deep purple and black.
  • My husband is Australian, where they eat lots of fresh summery food.
  • What train of wives and concubines was ever so ignominiously placed as the extra husbands carried among the scales of the careful female cirriped, lest she lose one or two! Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • Because of its size, tasty meat, valuable leather, and rapid reproduction, the capybara is a candidate for both ranching and intensive husbandry throughout the hot and humid lowland tropical regions of Latin America. 15 Agouti
  • She's 29 and married but her husband is very domineering. The Sun
  • When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children.
  • The husband and wife differ in their interests.
  • Last year my husband owned up to a secret affair with his secretary.
  • Each reading, which costs $50 per half-hour, is conducted in the Hastings-on-Hudson office of her husband, Dominick Lopriore, a real estate broker.
  • But the baby boy isn't Karen's son, he is one of the children she and her husband are fostering.
  • In old age she was troubled by deafness and played little active part in her husband's later political career.
  • Some of her archaeologist husband's finds can be seen in the museum, which is a must if you want to grasp the sophistication of Syrian art and civilisation of the two millenniums before Christ.
  • Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair.
  • But she also said that Michael and her American home were only temporary shelters because her real world is the home that she built with her husband in Hong Kong.
  • As is well known, a wife does not have the unilateral power of divorce by talaq which a Muslim husband has by long tradition.
  • As a reward she is allowed to choose her husband and names Bertram, who unwillingly obeys the king's order to wed her.
  • #9 POSTED BY jeff, Aug 21st, 2009 11: 30 am hello? anakin skywalker!!!!! then again I’m sure Palpatine was not a very good husband but we never get to see Mrs. Palpatine. Top 10 Worst Movie Husbands » Scene-Stealers
  • Matthea’s husband (and editor of Jubilat) Rob Caspar is also with us, as well as 4 young German poets (between 27 and 36) who have translated our poems. 2007 June : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation - Part 2
  • It's common gossip in the office that she's about to leave her husband.
  • To Madame Hanska he revealed more the cankering disappointment, just as he had a twelvemonth previously, after the mishap of the School for Husbands and Balzac
  • He was a loving husband and, briefly, an adoring father.
  • Su, who was a model for Christian Dior when she met her husband, actually tied with another woman in the regional final but won the countback on the last nine holes.
  • Men expected to die before their wives, just as women foresaw a life after their husband's death in old age.
  • Now, she lives there with her son, husband, three stepchildren and 18-month-old daughter.
  • Assertion: Michelle Obama's affectionate fist bump with her husband as they walked offstage was a "terrorist fist jab" (in the words of Fox anchorperson E.D. Hill). Robert Koehler: The Shadow Platform
  • There is little, however, of that rapturous extasy which issues from many a finally most infelicitous husband, some days, weeks, or even months, after the conjugal union. The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 1
  • The wife's questioning is swift and incisive, causing her husband first to reveal a trickle of information, then a cascade.
  • After that, she was obliged to describe where she had been the night before her husband's death, the mode of transportation which had brought her home, and more et ceteras? all, in short, that she'd told Lord Quentin and the magistrate, repeatedly. Captives Of The Night
  • It's when the "commitee" grows to include the people in the office, the kid in the mail room, the editors husband and just anyone walking by... it's then that I want to tear my hair out. Your Fate Is in My Hands (mwah-ha-ha)
  • Brett told agents her husband also sometimes used the name Stephen King. The Seattle Times
  • My husband confessed he'd been having an affair with a woman in his office.
  • The trees belonged to her husband Thomas, 57, a self-employed window cleaner, who has been growing bonsai for more than ten years.
  • My husband is 32 and works as a mechanic. The Sun
  • The Mississippi civil rights law, passed in 1865, contained the standard language: “All freedmen, free Negroes and mulattoes, who do now and have heretofore lived and cohabited together as husband and wife shall be taken and held in law as legally married.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • And surely there is a less intrusive way of telling the world what a loving husband she has? The Sun
  • Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing, to spite Marie and her husband.
  • Her husband was later treated for a fractured skull.
  • A state receptible of love, and perceptible of wisdom, makes a youth into a husband, 321. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Then the facts are burst upon them, and they shrink from their husbands in loathing and horror.
  • The man was not chauvinist for cheating on his wife indiscreetly; he was simply a philandering husband.
  • It was a long time since I had heard from her, although her husband had kept me abreast of their news. Times, Sunday Times
  • When women say they want independence, people think this means we don't want to obey our fathers, brothers or husbands. But it does not mean that. It means we want to make decisions for ourselves. We want to be free to go to school or to go to work. Malala Yousafzai 
  • I would have loved it if my husband had changed his name to mine, but he was not any more interested in doing that than I was in changing mine to his, so here we are.
  • But when she is exiled to the cabin of her prospective husband, her senses as well as her principles revolt.
  • In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.
  • Certainly her husband, pushing their trolley, seemed vaguely familiar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contemporary law classified married and under-aged women as non-persons, their identities being subsumed under that of their husband or father.
  • This may feel tricky because it could also challenge your relationship with your husband. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘And do lots of illustrators then sleep with their orthopedist – or does that only happen when the orthopedist is the husband of one of your best friends?’ State of the Union
  • And surely there is a less intrusive way of telling the world what a loving husband she has? The Sun
  • She had to cope with huge changes and divided loyalties when your husband's marriage ended. The Sun
  • A married woman may bar her Release of right of dower in land conveyed by her husband or by operation dower° of law by joining in, the deed conveying the land or by releasing the land by a subsequent deed executed either separately or jointly with her husband. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • She has campaigned relentlessly for her husband's release from prison.
  • Surely, they were capable of enacting toward women, and toward one another, the terms of Martin Buber's I-It relation — Stevenson's "tripper" and the intimidating husbands offer the most intense expressions of that capacity, and no doubt, there were many subtle expressions of it at The Farm as well. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Some people think that husband and wife should never work together.
  • The thief then grabbed her purse as the shocked pensioner raised the alarm by shouting to her husband.
  • Her 25-year-old lorry driver husband was hanged for the murder of the child.
  • My husband unfroze the boiler condensation pipe. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fancy it was delightless to the husband as to the wife - just turning her twenty-first year, and learning for the first time in her sheltered life the taste of privation. Marion Harland's autobiography : the story of a long life,
  • Will be spending next weekend nursing her husband back to fitness. Times, Sunday Times
  • She fought feelings of depression as she watched her son and husband living a life separate from the one she was forced to maintain.
  • She lost her husband in the war
  • Karen was totally thunderstruck at her husband's attitude.
  • Ms Lay said her husband is an ‘honest, decent, moral human begin who would do absolutely nothing wrong.’
  • My husband no longer fancies you. The Sun
  • The husband is always the last to know. 
  • Nor do the figures include the women who still honour the curious custom of adopting their husband 's surname on marriage. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is survived by her husband, sons, mother, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and other relations.
  • Ms. Handler worked as a secretary at Paramount Studios and moonlighted as her husband's sales force. Hot Wheels' Driver And Barbie's Dad
  • After my husband laid them, I sealed them with a 50/50 linseed oil and mineral spirits mix (3 coats) and then my husband grouted them. Sealing saltillo tiles
  • The first, vastly enjoyable sign that Alicia is something other than mindlessly supportive comes after the requisite press conference, when she gives him the kind of roundhouse slap such husbands so richly deserve. Julianna Margulies marries strength, smarts in 'Good Wife'
  • MURPHY: I mean, I think the queasiest feeling I got is watching some of these women saying I love it, it's just wonderful to have five wives, one husband and have my little 13-year-old get raped by yet another adult. CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2008
  • Dale Husband replied to comment from hoary puccoon Church Signs on CNN iReport - The Panda's Thumb
  • They sat eating together at the kitchen table, a loving husband and wife to the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one knows who killed her, but the police suspect her husband.
  • At the mention of her dead husband, her face clouded over.
  • Ann wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband's.
  • The questioning then, was whether she should take a particular man as a husband. Daniel Deronda
  • I found it especially heartbreaking to read these first-person accounts of the shootings at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville by LiveJournal users bekitty, writingjen, daughter of shooting victim John Worth, and her husband salvador-dalai via the UU LiveJournal group Chalice Circle. Philocrites: First-person accounts of Knoxville church shooting.
  • By 1860 imported boars and improved husbandry yielded a hog notably superior to that of the 1820s and '30s.
  • As is the husband, so is the wife. 

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