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difficult vs easy




  1. not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure
  2. hard to control


The difficulties of the next year or two will, no doubt, reawaken the pro-euro lobby.

He asked me bluntly, ‘Why would you want to leave private life and take on such a difficult, dangerous and probably thankless job?’

Instead a great deal of difficult negotiation ensued.

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  1. less in demand and therefore readily obtainable
  2. in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
  3. posing no difficulty; requiring little effort
  4. affording pleasure
  5. not hurried or forced
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  1. in a relaxed manner; or without hardship
  2. without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly')
  3. with ease (`easy' is sometimes used informally for `easily')


But Sexton found Nicks for an easy 31-yard score on fourth down with 4: 11 left to seal it, and Nicks set the receiving record with a 22-yard catch a little later from T.J. Yates, making his first appearance in relief from a broken ankle suffered in September against Virginia Tech. Newspaper Home Delivery - Subscribe Today

As far back as the 1920s, it was an easy getaway for Hollywood types looking for a little privacy; and this golden era lives on at select spots.

Although he has mellowed a little since then, he is still a long way from being easy listening.

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