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Difference between saddle and unsaddle




  1. posterior part of the back of a domestic fowl
  2. a seat for the rider of a horse or other animal
  3. a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is shaped like a saddle)
  4. a seat for the rider of a bicycle
  5. cut of meat (especially mutton or lamb) consisting of part of the backbone and both loins
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  1. load or burden; encumber
  2. impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to
  3. put a saddle on


Ivaric raced down to the stables, shouted at a groom to saddle his grey horse Maila, and smiled as he saw his father sitting in a shady arbour at one end of the courtyard, looking thoughtful.

Employers and business groups contend that a higher minimum wage would saddle them with higher labor costs.

Season with salt and pepper and tie string around each saddle to secure the caul fat.

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  1. remove the saddle from


It was the custom, after having unsaddled one's mount, to pass a hasty oil-rag over bit and bridoon and stirrups, and then to fall to upon the grooming of the horse.

As Napoleon’s army bled out or froze solid in the snows of a Russian winter, the Prussians and the Austrians found new reasons to reject French “fraternity.” Within years, Napoleon’s empire was unsaddled and destroyed, a fate shared by its leader, sent into ignominious exile on the island of Saint Helena.

She stayed with Reese as he unsaddled the horse, she was surprised when he just slapped it on the rump and let it gallop off, wouldn't it run away?

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