prognosis vs diagnosis
- a prediction of the course of a disease
- a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop
Recent studies have revealed a correlation between prognosis in heart failure and plasma levels of such neurohormones as endothelin, norepinephrine and renin, among others.
The only time I have done them is for older teenagers with congenitally missing back teeth (with the baby tooth still there at that age) whose only cosmetic option is the porcelain fused to metal crown (those run around $800 or more each) and usually necessitates a pulpal treatment as well due to the small tooth size, and these crowns having a questionable prognosis in baby teeth.
To date, there is also little evidence to support this more grim prognosis.
- identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon
Conclusion TSGF test in patients with carcinosis play a very important pole in early diagnosis and the evaluation of therapy effect.
For a diagnosis of brain stem death irremediable structural brain damage should be present.
The advent of specific drugs joined with a more research-based, reductionist brand of medical diagnosis.