magical vs magic
- possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers
Indeed, literature is full of fabulations wherein the world of a rat or dog is opened up magically to our vision.
ThinkProgressPromotesSocialism, care to tell me where this magical hospital that writes off chemo is so I can call and verify this?
And that, my friends, is what I call magical thinking.
- any art that invokes supernatural powers
- an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers
- possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers
The Staff of Volans has a limited supply of magic energy. Roll a dice after each spell is cast.
There is a tradition of magickal practice in my family but sadly it fell into abeyance a couple of generations back.
You may be trying to invoke the ‘echos from the supernal world’ but they're everywhere and where-ever people say they're doing magic there's a bit of truth there.