loss vs lost
- gradual decline in amount or activity
- the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue
- euphemistic expressions for death
- the act of losing someone or something
- military personnel lost by death or capture
If you wonder about ‘furphy’, as I did, here's a gloss and explanation.
‘Break, break, break,’ for instance, is a bitter poem on unrecompensed, pointless loss, but it achieves its power and makes its point very indirectly, largely through structural implications.
The lymphatic vessels of the tongue may be divided into four groups: (1) apical, from the tip of the tongue to the suprahyoid glands and principal gland of the tongue; (2) lateral, from the margin of the tonguesome of these pierce the Mylohyoideus to end in the submaxillary glands, others pass down on the Hyoglossus to the superior deep cervical glands; (3) basal, from the region of the vallate papillæ to the superior deep cervical glands; and (4) median, a few of which perforate the Mylohyoideus to reach the submaxillary glands, while the majority turn around the posterior border of the muscle to enter the superior deep cervical glands.
- perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment
- incapable of being recovered or regained
- spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed
- having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity
- deeply absorbed in thought
- people who are destined to die soon
I used to think the worst feeling was losing someone you love. But, I was wrong. The worst feeling is the moment you have lost yourself.
I try to teach them a bit of Cockney but it's a lost cause.
Humus being highly colloidal, has the ability to adsorb and retain for future plant use many of the ions such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphates and ammonia which might be leached from the soil and lost in drainage.