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Common mistake super (supper)

Common English Grammar Mistakes

English may be a complex language, and even native speakers can make mistakes from time to time. Whether it's a confusing homonym or misusing a commonly confused word, we've all been there. In this article, we will explore one such mistake: the confusion between the words 'super' and 'supper'.

Super (Supper)

One of the common mistakes people make is using 'super' when they actually mean 'supper'. Although these words might sound similar, they have completely different meanings.

  • Super: The word 'super' is an adjective that means excellent, outstanding, or extremely good. It is often used to describe something or someone that is above average in quality or performance. For example: "That movie was super entertaining!"
  • Supper: On the other hand, 'supper' is a noun that refers to an evening meal, typically eaten at a later time than dinner. It is commonly used to refer to the last meal of the day, especially in British English. For example: "Let's have a light supper before going to bed."

It's important to use the correct word to convey the intended meaning in your sentences. Using 'super' instead of 'supper' can lead to confusion or a completely different interpretation of what you are trying to say.

If you often find yourself making this mistake, you may benefit from using a grammar checker like Linguix. It can help you identify and correct such errors, enhancing the overall clarity and accuracy of your writing.

super (supper) mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    We went for a walk after super.

    We went for a walk after supper.

  • Incorrect:
    After I had eaten my super, I went straight to bed.

    After I had eaten my supper, I went straight to bed.

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