Common mistake more vs move

Common Mistake: More vs Move

One common mistake that people often make is confusing the words "more" and "move." Although they may sound similar, these two words have different meanings and should be used in different contexts.


The word "more" is used to indicate a greater amount or quantity of something. It is often used in comparisons, to show that something is greater than something else. Here are a few examples:

  • I want more chocolate than you.
  • She has more books than I do.
  • They have more experience in the field.


On the other hand, the word "move" is a verb that means to change position or location. It is used to describe physical actions or changes in position. Here are a few examples:

  • I need to move the chair to the other side of the room.
  • She is planning to move to a new city.
  • They decided to move the meeting to next week.

It is important to pay attention to the context when choosing between "more" and "move" to ensure that the correct word is used.

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more vs move mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    We will more in on September 1st.

    We will move in on September 1st.

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