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Common mistake beside vs besides

Common Mistake: "Beside" vs "Besides"

One common mistake that people often make in their writing is confusing the words "beside" and "besides." While they may sound similar, they have different meanings and usage in English grammar.

1. Beside

"Beside" is a preposition that means "next to" or "by the side of." It indicates physical proximity or position. For example:

  • I sat beside my sister during the movie.
  • The book is beside the lamp on the table.
  • She stood beside her car, waiting for a taxi.

2. Besides

"Besides" is also a preposition, but it has a different meaning. It means "in addition to" or "apart from." It is used to introduce a supplementary statement or idea. For example:

  • Besides English, she speaks French fluently.
  • I have many hobbies besides reading.
  • He enjoys playing soccer besides tennis.

It's important to note that "besides" can also be used as an adverb meaning "anyway" or "moreover." For example:

  • I didn't want to go to the party. Besides, I had other plans that night.
  • I don't have time for that now. Besides, it's not a priority.

Using these words correctly will help to make your writing more precise and effective. However, it can be challenging to remember the difference between them, especially for non-native English speakers. That's where the Linguix grammar checker can be of great help!

beside vs besides mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    Beside that, I have no idea.

    Besides that, I have no idea.

  • Incorrect:
    He stood besides me.

    He stood beside me.

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