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Common mistake Collocation: Word + to + PRP|NNP|DT

Common Mistake: Incorrect Collocation

One of the most common mistakes in English grammar is the incorrect use of collocations, specifically the arrangement of words in a sentence. Collocations are combinations of words that are naturally used together to convey a specific meaning.

One common collocation mistake is the incorrect placement of the word "to" before a pronoun (PRP) or a proper noun (NNP) or a determiner (DT). This mistake arises when a preposition is missing after the word "to". Without a preposition, the sentence becomes grammatically incorrect.

Example 1:

Incorrect: He gave the book to John.
Correct: He gave the book to John.

In this example, the collocation "give something to someone" is used correctly, with the preposition "to" indicating the recipient of the action.

Example 2:

Incorrect: We should offer help to needy.
Correct: We should offer help to the needy.

In this example, the preposition "to" is missing after "needy", resulting in an incorrect collocation. The correct collocation is "offer help to the needy".

To avoid this common mistake, it is essential to pay attention to the correct collocation patterns. One helpful tool to assist in correcting such errors is Linguix grammar checker, which provides real-time suggestions and explanations for improving your writing.

Collocation: Word + to + PRP|NNP|DT mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    Prior leaving, he had a good time.

    Prior to leaving, he had a good time.

  • Correct:
    He's jumping off
  • Incorrect:
    She wants redecorate the house again.

    She wants to redecorate the house again.

  • Incorrect:
    Tom refused tell the police officer his name.

    Tom refused to tell the police officer his name.

  • Correct:
    Such attempts have repeatedly been made.
  • Correct:
    My two references have been outstanding.
  • Correct:
    It is no use pretending you know nothing about it.
  • Correct:
    This is way I am refusing the offer.
  • Correct:
    Chanes, Jerome A. Antisemitism: A Reference Handbook, ABC-CLIO, 2004.
  • Correct:
    Although several attempts have been made to restore and re-air the film, all acc...
  • Correct:
    Men's wants become greater in proportion to the increase in their income.
  • Correct:
    Several unsuccessful attempts have discouraged them completely.
  • Correct:
    Repeated failed attempts have resulted in a block of the buyer from our system.
  • Correct:
    Suicide attempts have skyrocketed.
  • Correct:
    The attempted smuggle
  • Correct:
    Should references be ordered?
  • Correct:
    Almost 390 references have been used.
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