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Common mistake art vs are

Common Mistakes in English: Art vs Are

English grammar can be tricky, and even native speakers can make mistakes from time to time. One common mistake is using "art" instead of "are." Let's dive into this error and understand how to avoid it.

The Difference Between "Art" and "Are"

"Art" is typically a noun that refers to a creative work, such as a painting, sculpture, or music. On the other hand, "are" is the present simple form of the verb "to be," used to indicate the plural form of "be."

For example:

  • Incorrect: The birds art singing in the trees.
  • Correct: The birds are singing in the trees.

In the incorrect example, "art" is used instead of "are," which is a grammatical error. The correct sentence uses "are" to indicate the plural form of "be."

How to Avoid this Mistake

To avoid this common mistake, it's important to understand the correct usage of "art" and "are." Here are a few tips:

  • When discussing actions or states of being in the present tense, use "are." For example: "The children are playing in the park."
  • When referring to creative works, use "art." For example: "She is a talented artist, and her artworks are incredible."
  • Pay attention to subject-verb agreement. If the subject is plural, use "are." For example: "The dogs are barking."

Linguix Grammar Checker:

Using a grammar checker like Linguix can greatly help in avoiding common grammar mistakes like using "art" instead of "are." By providing real-time suggestions and corrections, Linguix ensures that your writing is error-free and grammatically accurate.

art vs are mistake examples

  • Incorrect:
    Is this the data you art looking for?

    Is this the data you are looking for?

  • Incorrect:
    What art you looking for?

    What are you looking for?

  • Correct:
    Are there any museums or art galleries open until late evening?
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